Overcharge - IMVU Scam

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 23 posts
14 years ago in Mafia News
Posted 14 years ago
i guess this is pretty good :D
Posted 14 years ago
TheFallingShadow wrote:
i guess this is pretty good :D

no its not good dont spam
Posted 14 years ago
It's so unfair! I noticed that the prices were higher when I wanted to make a new account. And I was like WTF?!? :evil:
Posted 14 years ago
Thats Horrible! :cursemouth: (It also explains why everything was so expensive for my friend.) I'm going to spred the word about this.
Posted 14 years ago
IMVU wants more.
Two things outrageous about this:

IMVU base pricing fees change, so customer spends more, creator of item gets the same, IMVU runs off with the profit WHILE IMVU is already the highest priced medium in it's sort for developers. We pay to submit our stuff that runs THEIR show, we barely get any of it back and now they want to rip the users off even more. Outrageous, being the most expensive 3D chat client existing.

They don't re-use credits from badges etc. Hell naw, they just make new ones, the same ammount. Tomato tomattoe.
IMVU currently makes, as a company, $2 million every single month of which 90% comes directly from it's users. Isn't that enough? They pushed people into outrageous prices and now they just want to bankrupt your finances for virtual crap and make half a million more.

If I were a country, I'd bomb their facilities just for punishing the decent hardworking people for their own gain, while they have MORE than plenty income already.
They don't even support their customer's questions! They have 1 fulltime and one halftime employee at what? $1500 an $900 a month? to answer every single one of the millions of user's questions. Aint that great support. How selfish can they get?? Its like having a cash cow but milking it till it dies.
Posted 14 years ago
:lol: nice

Posted 14 years ago
And this is why I joined IMVU Mafia!
Posted 12 years ago
i ded thank you

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