Hi,Da Names Shadow

by Shadow · 6 posts
14 years ago in Introductions
Posted 14 years ago · Author
I Have Lots of Knowledge Of Free and Share Ware Programs i used too Crack Games Such As Grand Theft Auto San Andress COD4
when i downed the Files i would try too PUt the Games Toegther but some errors umm I h4c|<7d Rumble Fighter Vaules with Cheat Engine once
i Known how too Download Torrent Files i know where too get Free muisc Lime wire i used too do some Hacking on Crossfire i Edited the Bots and i tryed too Make the D.ll so they woundt get Scaned I know wht Pub h4c|< means and i know wht VIP h4c|<s mean i know alot of Offer and servery Tricks i used too h4c|< the Ranks ON CF i got too Watch Star Wars in my Cmd PRomt I tyred Makeing Tojrans.bat and ik some Files Types Iso,Zip,Some D.ll files ooh i love this I made MY Chaters Nude on WowGasm and PerfectWrould Swordsman with the NUde skin Mods i h4c|<7d some FLash games with Cheat Engeine and i got A free Lockers Account and I used too b on alot of Fourm sites Such ass Game killer,VG cats,MMO, i know alot of Prvaite Servers and i tryed too make my own Rumble Fighter 1 didnt work i used too make some old ass web sites Hotword.yalla. com i didnt have free dominas doe so it didnt work but i was able too add games and fash toys IMS and Muisc and youtube vidoes to my websites and i know how too make free emails and ssn numbas and i Cracked windows 7 on lyold desktop PC i know alot of Computers and programs permissons i kno wht a adminstoer is on a website i kno how too eidt (some) HTLM Files and i used too lol.....h4c|< adult web cams cuz i was honry i guess but eeh yeah i h4c|<7d Xbox Mirosoft live piotns CRacking hacking,injectors,game Cheaters,upload links and ehh 1 think about C++ use Caps at the ebinging of every Cmd

I want too Join ur Team cuz i feel i know alot of abou hacking and programing a lil from free lanceing and cechking sht out and i just want too come here and hone my skills so i can make a Careeer out of it some times i love Captin Cruch is GOD of hacking i watch G4 too keep updateing with pc and echnolgy i need too learn things i miss in between i might know some things but i dont do it in the Right order i want too learn the Proper metholds i bought mazines in real life PC tips and i used too get books from wall mart i get tire doff reading and useing alredy known metholds so THEY SAY IF U WANT TO LEARN DONT GO TO THE SKOOL GOO TO THE Teacher i want too learn and if i make profits from my wok ill share with u for helping me learn dats only fair i respect Hacking its self i feel if some of it wasnt voloaying PRicya acts it would b a Art fourm THANK U EVEN IF U DONT
ADD ME u gave me the Streth too keep looking for knoldege about hacking ohh and i do textures and lighting

these are my skills and
Posted 14 years ago
Welcome to the family, please do not spam our boards. If you want to share information, share it in the right section. I have deleted your other post. Thanks.
Posted 14 years ago
Hello and welcome to the family. Bring up your postcount the right way and rank upwards :D
Posted 14 years ago
Welcome to the family
Posted 14 years ago
Hey ^^

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