What's your favourite game...?

by caligata · 140 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago
i love kingdom hearts.

I mean its disney + FF... could you ask for more?

you could XD
Posted 14 years ago
Got like 20 fav games x_x

But my fav-fav games are Dead Space and CoD MW2 :D
Some other favs are Silent Hill series and FF
And some few more favs are Time Splitters Future Perfect for PS2, Fallout 3 and Prototype!

Erh.. and some more favs :sillywink:
LittleBigPlanet <3, Crysis, City of Heroes/Villains (Online), Super Smash Bros Brawl, Zelda: Twilight Princess...

I'll stop now.. My fingers smells like bacon!.. Need some eggs :snide:
Posted 14 years ago
My best game Ever
Posted 14 years ago
a bunch of them:
Final fantasy 8 and 10
UT goty
and the list goes on...but these are the top 3...
Posted 14 years ago
Resident Evil 5
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Mass Effect 2
Posted 13 years ago
missbipolar666 wrote:
I agree with Fallen Silent Hill games are totally awesome, the monsters are my favorite part because of their wicked appearence and fighting in the game.

I LOVE Silent Hill. Though this much is likely obvious. Partly I like it for the plot. Facing your Sins and the darker parts of yourself? That's great. I think if this sort of thing happened in real life, there would be a lot less cruelty in the world. Because those people would have to face up to what they did in the worst way. I liked the games a lot, although a couple of them are pretty hard. Like Homecoming. Ugh. Ha ha ha.
Posted 13 years ago
My Favorite Games are:
- Diablo
- Doom
- Commando
- Delta Force
Posted 13 years ago
Mine Are
Flatout 2,3(ultimate carnage)
Garry's Mod
GTA:SA (Tho Singleplayer Is Boring So Count This Sa San Andreas Multiplayer XD)
Posted 13 years ago
I think, San Andres Mutiplayer
That black Ops :O and
Reaper have you been on Italy Maifa Reloaded server?
Posted 13 years ago
call of duty ! Black ops The Best !! :D

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