IMVU VIP is a regular fee. You can buy it on a monthly or yearly basis or whatever. It will die out later if you don't pay for it. IMVU AP is forever, as is the Age-Verification. This thread is for Mafia VIP though. That means VIP status on this site, these forums. You get access to the better methods and cooler stuff here, NOT on IMVU. The IMVU Mafias CAN help you get AP, VIP, and other cool stuff on IMVU, but most of those methods are hard and/or chancy at best. Anything in the Approved Methods section is usable, and works, and you most likely won't get in trouble for it. Once you make Mafia VIP, you get the better methods, the ones that are harder to use, but get you a bigger profit. TIM has yet to h4c|< AP, and cannot get you full forever VIP status... They can help you get your name, remove ads, and lots of other stuff, and they are discovering and improving more and more methods every day. Read full threads, not just a few posts, you never know what improvements or tweaks might have been mentioned in the middle of the thread.