Posted 14 years ago
Sir Saignren wrote:I already have mafia VIP, but I think I'll actually transfer what meager funds are left in my bank ($3.90) to my paypal and donate them... since I'm broke and jobless and i can't really get tht money anyway lol. It might take a couple days though... if i remember right with paypal...
$3.90 is not meager, that is 3 weeks of server costs.
On another note, I plan on reducing how much we are paying to keep the site up.
We use to pay $3 a month for our shoutbox, but now that our forums are on our own server, we can integrate a free shoutbox.
Also, the $5 a month we use to pay for security and statistics; we can do for free now through our host.
(That is a 50% savings compared to what is use to cost to keep this site running efficiently.)
With any luck, we can decrease costs even more by moving to Ghoku's server.
My goal is to get this family running on only $4 per month.
(That means we will only have to sell IMVU Mafias' VIP status 4 times a month in order to be self-sufficient.)