I need to know which of these two stories is scarier.

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 15 posts
14 years ago in Help & Support

Which of these two stories is scarier?

Silence 33%
Mirror 67%
Posted 14 years ago
Lol... i`d say Mirror, but too bad i have learned to not be afraid from ...those stories... i had no choise since i`m living in my own room...and it has a mirror in it. ^-^
But i guess it does leave a bigger effect to lots of people...

So..i`ll stick to the first one - Silence.

And, again, she`s done so well. :)
Posted 14 years ago
Helloo :) and thank you for ur invit.

Whaa :shock: not easy to choose they are both interesting, but my preference goes to the first, Silence. Because Sooner or Later We Can Fight Against Demons .. but With A Destiny? but sure the mirror can be somthg rather scary, it depends personnal sensibility..

btw dont be scared by my poor english please lol :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
i personally like the mirror story. As I see it, it's not horror about demons or anything. more like a "payback" from repressed persona.

I, as a narcissist understood that liking one self in the mirror is unavoidable, and sometimes i do push off part of myself that i consider "not attractive" (to myself that is) waaaay back inside. that story makes me wonder what would happen if all those stuff i pushed back will come and haunt me, or worse take the driver's seat and lock me away just so i can understand their pain.

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