Pirates Vs Ninjas

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 357 posts
16 years ago in Social Games

Pirates Vs Ninjas

Pirates 33%
Ninjas 67%
Posted 14 years ago
But it is at that point Don, where the Deaf guy looks at the pirate and sign's "f**k that." Because he realised how nasty the pirate smells/looks. So the deaf guy talks with the ninja anyways.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
darkarrow04 wrote:
But it is at that point Don, where the Deaf guy looks at the pirate and sign's "f**k that." Because he realised how nasty the pirate smells/looks. So the deaf guy talks with the ninja anyways.

There is only one problem with that Darkarrow.

~pirate shoots ninja~

A deaf person can not talk to a corpse.
Posted 14 years ago
NINJAS!!! :D im a ninja :P

-- Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:26 am --

NINJAS!!! :D im a ninja :P
Posted 14 years ago · Author
• You cannot dodge a fired bullet, but you can dodge the shooters aim before he pulls the trigger. Consider, if you can see down the barrel of the gun then the bullet will come directly at your head. If move so you can see some other 'side' of the gun then the bullet will no longer be coming directly at you. So if some one is trying to home in on you, keep moving. Keep your movments random to reduce the chances to the shooter predicting where your next location will be.

I am going to make this very clear.
1) Pirates have guns.
2) A Ninja can not dodge a bullet unless the ninja is in constant motion.
3) A ninja can move 2 directions to dodge a bullet, left and right.
4) The pirate can either shoot directly at the ninja, or can shoot to the left or right where the ninja will next be.
5) If the ninja is moving, then the pirate will obviously shoot to the left or the right.

This presents 4 possible outcomes per bullet:
1) Ninja moves left, pirate shoots left = ninja dies
2) Ninja moves right, pirates shoot right = ninja dies
3) NInja moves left, pirate shoots right = ninja lives
4) Ninja moves right, pirate shoots left = ninja lives

This gives the ninja a 50% dodge ratio in close to mid range combat where other factors will not affect the path of the bullet.

This mean, the pirate has a 50% chance of killing the ninja by the end of his first attact, 75% by the end of his second, and an 88% chance by the end of his third attack.

To make my point clear, unless the ninja manages to kill the pirate before the pirate gets in his 3rd attack, then the ninja is as good as dead.

Take in the fact that the pirate fires an avrage of 1 bullet every 2.5 seconds..., then that gives a ninja from about 20 feet away 9.5 seconds to kill the pirate before the ninja is most likly dead.

It would take even the fastest ninja at least 3.6 seconds to cover a distance of 20 feet. By that time there would be a 50% of even the fastest / most skilled ninja of being dead. (This would a scnario where we pit the best of ninja against the worst of pirates on a bad day.)

To sum everything up, the only way a ninja have an even chance against a pirate, is if it was one of the fastest ninjas in the world and the pirate was one of the worst pirates in the world.
Posted 14 years ago
That pirate must be a ninja to reload and shoot the bullet every 2.5 seconds... Also the ninja can use throwing weapons which he can use much faster than the pirate and is accurate as hell!

so your stuff
1. Ninja dodges left pirate shoots right ninja throws a throwing star at pirate - pirate dies
2. ninja dodges left pirate shoots right ninja throws a throwing star at the pirate but misses - both live
3.Ninja dodges right pirate shoots right - ninja dies
4. Ninja dodges left pirate shoots left -ninja dies
5. Ninja dodges right pirate shoots left ninja throws a throwing star at the pirate but misses - both live
6. Ninja dodges right pirate shoots left ninja throws a throwing star at the pirate - both live
7.Ninja dodges right pirate shoots left ninja throws a throwing star at the pirate but misses, throws again but misses, throws again and pirate dies
and so on...

Renew the math xD
Posted 14 years ago · Author

First off, you do not have to reload every time you shoot a gun. Most guns hold at lest 6 shots before you must reload again. Second, anyone who has a bit of experience with a gun can cock, aim, and fire a gun within an avrage of 2.5 second. As ninjas do not use guns, they can not do this.

Now, let's look at the facts a bit deeper:
1) The speed of a bullet = 120 m/s to 320 m/s no matter what pirate is shooting (it all depends on the gun)
2) The speed of a throwing star is 5 m/s to 22 m/s (an avrage of 12.7 m/s); depending on the skills of the ninja, the strength of the ninja, and the weather conditions
3) A pirate runs 1 to 2 meters per second
4) In other words, even if the ninja throws at the spot where he / she predicts the pirate will be next, there is still a great chance that the star will miss the pirate from any distance greater than about 6 feet away

Let me place this into simple terms. Bullets move at a speed at lest 10 times greater than throwing stars. A pirate can easily dodge a throwing star that is being thrown from a distance further than 6 feet away. It is physically impossible to dodge a bullet. By the time a ninja gets within 6 feet of a pirate, the pirate has already fired off at least 1 bullet. Again, before the ninja even manage to get in his first decent attack, there is already at least a 50% chance that the ninja will be dead when pitting the worst pirate against the best ninja.

Finally, your throwing stars better hit some vital organs, else they are not doing shit. Your math is completly moot till the ninja already has at least of 50% chance of being dead. Again, that is in the best case scnario for a ninja. On avrage, pirates win.
Posted 14 years ago
This much of a Deal over this?...


Pirate Kills Ninja.
Ninja Friends Assassinate Pirate and all His Friends.
Simple as.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Rain wrote:
This much of a Deal over this?...

Pirates vs Ninjas is a BIG deal
Who would win, pirates or ninjas, is the universal question that has plagued humans ever since the first time a pirate and a ninja ever met.

Rain wrote:
Pirate Kills Ninja.
Ninja Friends Assassinate Pirate and all His Friends.
Simple as.

Reply from pirates:

Also, pirate girls rape ninja girls:
Posted 14 years ago
Pirates fuck mermaids? o.e ("i fuck a mermaid")

And the guns pirates of the time when there was a shit load of them, every gun had to be reloaded between shots, and were much slower than the modern ones. And if its done as modern pirates, then modern ninjas have silenced guns as well.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Random wrote:
Pirates fuck mermaids? o.e ("i fuck a mermaid")

Yes, pirates skull fuck mermaids. Mermaids give great blowjobs when there is a gun at their head.

Random wrote:
And the guns pirates of the time when there was a shit load of them, every gun had to be reloaded between shots, and were much slower than the modern ones. And if its done as modern pirates, then modern ninjas have silenced guns as well.

Correction, the first ever revolver was invented in 1590 in Germany. That however was a revolving rifle, not the typical weapon of most pirates.

The first ever revolving handgun was invented in London in 1718 and were widely spread around England by 1818. :badgrin:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolver

In the 18th century, pirates focused on attacking british shipping lines.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy

Pirates get their resouces by stealing them from their enemy.
England (Britian) had revolvers at the time, so the pirates did too.

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