[12/19/2010 8:54:53 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Are you guys selling yourselves like hoes?
[12/19/2010 8:55:50 PM] D.M: Yes we are, but it will cost you extra.
[12/19/2010 8:56:41 PM] Don Von Free Credits: ...is this because when I get ahold of you...I will break in your back ends so hard no one else will ever want you?
[12/19/2010 8:56:53 PM] Ghoku: LOL1
[12/19/2010 8:57:10 PM] D.M: Well noone wants to pay for damaged goods.
[12/19/2010 8:57:46 PM] Don Von Free Credits: I will pay for you two no matter how damaged you are; you can always be damaged more.
[12/19/2010 8:59:42 PM] Don Von Free Credits: ~slips my arm around Ghoku's side~
[12/19/2010 8:59:57 PM] Ghoku: o.o
[12/19/2010 9:00:28 PM] D.M: LOL!
[12/19/2010 9:00:47 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Shhh Ghoku, you can lower your power level...because you have mine high enough for the three of us.
[12/19/2010 9:01:14 PM] D.M: ROFL
[12/19/2010 9:04:01 PM] Ghoku: -.-
[12/19/2010 9:06:24 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Come here Ghoku, you have my power level so hard. ~slips hand down Ghoku's backside and looks into his eyes~ Touch my dragonballs.
[12/19/2010 9:06:45 PM] Ghoku: o.o
[12/19/2010 9:06:50 PM] D.M: HAHAHAHA
[12/19/2010 9:07:27 PM] Don Von Free Credits: If you touch all 8 of them Ghoku, you get a wish.
[12/19/2010 9:07:35 PM] D.M:
[12/19/2010 9:18:11 PM] Ghoku: -.-
[12/19/2010 9:20:11 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Me and Ghoku:
http://th02.deviantart.net/fs23/300W/f/ ... ourinu.jpg[12/19/2010 9:21:09 PM] Ghoku: HOLYCRAP!
[12/19/2010 9:21:11 PM] Ghoku: EWW!
[12/19/2010 9:22:54 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Ghoku...that is one of the responsibilities of being Don.
[12/19/2010 9:29:58 PM] Don Von Free Credits: OMG THE SERVER IS DOWN!!!!
[12/19/2010 9:30:03 PM] Ghoku: ?
[12/19/2010 9:31:16 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were still there Ghoku.
[12/19/2010 9:31:23 PM] Ghoku: -.-
[12/19/2010 9:36:58 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Ghoku?
[12/19/2010 9:37:05 PM] Ghoku: mhm
[12/19/2010 9:37:29 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Quick: When you become Don, what is the first thing you are going to do to my penis?
[12/19/2010 9:37:58 PM] Ghoku: I would walk away without looking
[12/19/2010 9:38:35 PM] Don Von Free Credits: ....I think Sir Sam beat you on that question Ghoku.
[12/19/2010 9:38:55 PM] Ghoku: he is bi so ofc v.v
[12/19/2010 9:39:14 PM] D.M: Arent we all
[12/19/2010 9:39:15 PM] Don Von Free Credits: You are going to have to swallow more than that if you are going to beat Sir Sam.
[12/19/2010 9:39:44 PM] Ghoku: swallow wha
[12/19/2010 9:39:58 PM] Don Von Free Credits: my penis
[12/19/2010 9:40:05 PM] Ghoku: o.o
[12/19/2010 9:40:10 PM] Ghoku: -runs-
[12/19/2010 9:40:44 PM] Don Von Free Credits: That's right Ghoku, run towards my penis.
[12/19/2010 9:41:54 PM] D.M: LOLOL!!
[12/19/2010 9:42:21 PM] D.M: Wait
[12/19/2010 9:42:24 PM] D.M: Arent you married
[12/19/2010 9:42:25 PM] Ghoku: -.-'
[12/19/2010 9:42:30 PM] Ghoku: we both are
[12/19/2010 9:43:08 PM] Don Von Free Credits: Yeah....and sadly my wife has a rule that if I am with another man, I have to be on bottom...and she gets to watch.
[12/19/2010 9:43:57 PM] Ghoku: o.o
[12/19/2010 9:45:51 PM] Don Von Free Credits: I am sure Ghoku's wife has the exact same rule..., so it would never work out between us.
[12/19/2010 9:46:03 PM] Ghoku: no she does not
[12/19/2010 9:46:13 PM] D.M: Well there you go, he can be on top