I don't know how old your account is but I have three accounts - a main and two alts - that aren't retired, disabled or anything. They are still there and look fine. Products are still available for sale in the catalog. Account names have nothing appended to them. After not using them for 5 years, CS told me they would not reactivate them because they were all accounts from 2007 and they would all be grandfathered developer accounts and they were not allowed to reactivate grandfathered dev accounts - period! End of story! Don't bother asking again! So if your account is what...pre-2010/2011 - when did they make creator status dependent on being a VIP?...you ain't gettin it back. If your account is post the VIP to create date, you should be able to get it back with a name change just like Don said above. The only way somebody could 'take' your name is if it was inactive and they filed a ticket with CS and requested to be given that name. If that's the case, you're also SOL as far as the 'name' is concerned but the account should still be available with a name change token.