Posted 13 years ago
Fire <3 wrote:here we dont base our signs on constillation to my knowlege
Lol Chris, the Babylonians who first made the Zodiac signs based them on constellations, they are the same everywhere and of course are based on constellations.
But yeah, what you said about Ophiuchus being fake, it IS a constellation, however I don't like it being a zodiac sign because, pure and simple, there isn't space enough for it in our calendars, unless they add a 13th month :3 rofl that would be something but its impossible.
And the signs changing dates, that's a real fact you know, because uhh...well its kinda hard to explain, the moon's gravity shifted the axis of rotation of the earth VERY slightly so the constellations are at slightly different positions now relative to Earth. That's why they changed the dates of Zodiac signs by one month.
Sorry lol I was just trying to give information :3 Information freak, that's me