IMVU Hair Texture

Error 404
by Error 404 · 12 posts
13 years ago in Photoshop
Posted 13 years ago · Author
This tutorial was created using PS 8. However, I have other versions such as CS3, CS4, CS5 and there is not any difference in them regarding on making the textures. So it really doesn't matter which one you choose.

1) Create a new 256×256 picture with transparent background. (File -> New)
Pick a colour you want the darkest shades of your hair to have, select Bucket tool and click on your picture once.

2) Now pick a colour you want the light shades of your hair to have, select Brush tool, select soft brush with the diameter around 65. Now draw 2 horizontal lines across your picture. Dont worry if it’s not entirely straight, it’s not important anyway.

3) Go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise. Select Gaussian and check Monochromatic. The amount should be something around 10%. Click OK.

4) Now go to Filter -> Brush Strokes -> Sprayed Strokes. Set Stroke Length to 20 (max), Spray Radius to 25 (max), Stroke Direction to Vertical, hit OK.

5) Go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur. Set Angle to 90, Distance to something like 75 pixels, and hit OK. Now it’s looking more like it. :P

6) Now we are going to enhance the highlights and the shadows of our hair to make it look more realistic. Select Burn Tool, select brush diameter around 45, set Range to Midtones, set Exposure to around 8-10%. Then paint around the darkest parts of your picture with a few brush strokes (on the picture below the area indicated with dotted green line). Remember: the longer you keep the mouse button pressed while drawing over the same area, the darker the painted area gets.

7) To enhance the highlights, select Dodge Tool. Select brush diameter around 35, set Range to Highlights, set Exposure to 8%. Then paint around the lightest parts of your hair with the few brush strokes (on the picture below the area is indicated with dotted green line). Dodge Tool works just like the Burn Tool: the longer you keep the mouse button pressed while drawing over the same area, the lighter the painted area gets. So don’t overdo it

8)Quite neat, huh Now you can save it as a TGA file, or as JPG, it doesnt matter here, as long as this pictures doesn’t have the alpha channel or any transparency in it.

Ok, now you have the texture for the strands of hair somewhere in the middle of your hair style. But for the more natural look you will also have to to have hair strands with more defined hair ends. That’s why we’re going to add an alpha channel to our hair texture, with the defined hair ends. However this is not needed. It is definitely up to you to use it or no.

1) So far we didnt have any alpha channel in our texture. Now we’re going to create it. Go to the Channels tab and press New Channel button to create a new alpha channel. The new channel automatically gets selected and your beautiful hair texture goes black Dont be afraid, now you’re going to be working in the alpha channel

2) Still in alpha channel, select Polygonal Lasso Tool. Now make a selection, something like on the picture below (white area + green dotted line), make sure your foreground colour is white, hit Shift+F5 with the selection still active, and select Foregrond Colour and hit OK. It should fill your selection with white and you should get something like on the picture below. Dont forget to press Ctrl+D after that, to deselect all.

3) Still in the alpha channel, go to Filter -> Brush Strokes -> Sprayed Strokes. Set Stroke Length to 20 (max), Spray Radius to 18, Stroke Direction to Vertical, and hit OK.

4) Still with the alpha channel active, go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur. Set Angle to 90, Distance to something like 18-20 pixels, and hit OK.

5) Now, select Brush tool, soft brush around 13 pixels, and draw a line along the lower edge of the picture, to clean it up: to make sure it’s all black, and there are no white pixels left on the lower edge, we want to make the lowest edge completely transparent.

6) Now you’re actually all done so you can skip this step if you really want to. However, if you’re a perfectionist like me, you might probably want to do one last step: Select Dodge Tool again, set Brush to around 15 pixels, Set Range to Shadows, set Exposure to 25%. And paint over the highest peaks of black to make them fade even more smoothly into white (green dotted area on the picture below).

7) Now you just have to save your texture as a 32 bits TGA file with another name than your first hair texture. And thats it

Hopefully this tutorial was helpful. Enjoy.
Posted 4 years ago
After eight years I've decided to look at doing more creating (other than rugs and stickers). I already have a few tools but then remembered this section. Graphic Design. I tend to wait until I am going to buy something or do something different with IMVU before I come here for the information. To try and read through much less remember everything here is beyond my capabilities. :kat_emoji17: ANYWAY, long story short, I am here now and read through this tutorial. I'm amazed at the results and the simplicity of the directions. THANK YOU for an awesome tutorial. Onward I go in learning...
Posted 4 years ago
Thanks so much.
Posted 4 years ago
This tutorial was very easy to follow. It's always nice to see another way to create. I've made some hair textures in the past and some just did not suite the mesh I was trying to derive on. So it's great to have another way to try which will make creating something that I had wanted in my own colours that will look great.

Thank you again for the tutorial. This inspires me to create the hair textures I had previously given up on.
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you so much for this!
Been trying and failing to do hair for the past month.

Constantly looks like some type of cheetos or someshit
Posted 4 years ago
i created this tutorial because i could not find one making IMVU hair textures with GIMP at the time: ... P-71423472

and i made a video later:

the original of that video got my old youtube channel deleted due to copyright infringement - from using a Beyonce song.

anyhoo, thinking of making an update of the tut and video, so i am open to feedback. :)
Posted 4 years ago

I love the Gimp Tutorial, using Gimp myself, it is a good way to start making the base for hair!

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