Funny Imvu Homepages (Some Adult Content)

by DataMine · 72 posts
14 years ago in AP Social Games
Posted 13 years ago
I was in a chat room today and I found this chick.
She also had a half interesting convo with a 15[not 16 well at least his profile said 15] years old guy.Made me laugh.

Guest_nakedbeutiy: u wanna get in the bed
Guest_guccimanelarald: yea
Guest_guccimanelarald: so how old r u
Guest_nakedbeutiy: 18
Guest_nakedbeutiy: takes his hoody off
Guest_guccimanelarald: iight im 16
Guest_nakedbeutiy: oh
Guest_nakedbeutiy: do u have a noody body
Guest_guccimanelarald: a wat
Guest_nakedbeutiy: a naked body
Guest_nakedbeutiy: do u
Guest_guccimanelarald: yea
Guest_nakedbeutiy: put it on then
Guest_guccimanelarald: iight
Guest_nakedbeutiy: were is it
Guest_nakedbeutiy: takes his under pants off
Guest_guccimanelarald: cant
Guest_nakedbeutiy: ok brb goin to find u a dick

The End.

I was kinda disappointed that I didn't get to laugh more.
Posted 13 years ago
Alexandra <3 wrote:
I was in a chat room today and I found this chick.
She also had a half interesting convo with a 15[not 16 well at least his profile said 15] years old guy.Made me laugh.

Guest_nakedbeutiy: u wanna get in the bed
Guest_guccimanelarald: yea
Guest_guccimanelarald: so how old r u
Guest_nakedbeutiy: 18
Guest_nakedbeutiy: takes his hoody off
Guest_guccimanelarald: iight im 16
Guest_nakedbeutiy: oh
Guest_nakedbeutiy: do u have a noody body
Guest_guccimanelarald: a wat
Guest_nakedbeutiy: a naked body
Guest_nakedbeutiy: do u
Guest_guccimanelarald: yea
Guest_nakedbeutiy: put it on then
Guest_guccimanelarald: iight
Guest_nakedbeutiy: were is it
Guest_nakedbeutiy: takes his under pants off
Guest_guccimanelarald: cant
Guest_nakedbeutiy: ok brb goin to find u a dick

The End.

I was kinda disappointed that I didn't get to laugh more.

Alex has a fetiish of watching people doing it live!!!! lol :P
Posted 13 years ago
What is this a respectable gay man?
Posted 13 years ago
D.M wrote:
I found another funny one. Their background is either a piece of shit riding a rainbow or chocolate icecream. LOL.

I know I'm kind of late on this, but the funny part is that I know the guy who made that image. Chamba, or "Lastscionz" on deviantart. Btw, he would be PISSED that she is using it as a wallpaper. He is the one who does the Sinbad comics in australia. Pretty cool guy to chat with.
Posted 13 years ago
LMAO Failzzz
Posted 13 years ago
Chocolate <3 wrote:
I was in a chat room today and I found this chick.

I want to kiss you.*

Alex, introduce me to this.... "Chick", I want to spell check more. :I
Posted 13 years ago
Nick, you want me to introduce you[even if I never spoke to her so she doesn't know me] to a girl who spends her time being naked and raping random guys in public rooms?
Therefore the above things, you are a perv lolz.
Posted 13 years ago
Chocolate <3 wrote:
Nick, you want me to introduce you[even if I never spoke to her so she doesn't know me] to a girl who spends her time being naked and raping random guys in public rooms?
Therefore the above things, you are a perv lolz.

I am not a pervert and to be honest, I didn't really notice she was naked, I noticed only what she typed. ._.

Wait, I've just noticed.


Even her avatar name was misspelled. ._.

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