Lawsuit Against IMVU for Modifying Audio Items

by tkennedy · 77 posts
13 years ago in IMVU News
Posted 13 years ago
Thank god someones doing something about this crap.. :cursemouth:
Posted 13 years ago
Good luck with it bro. I've lost like 10-15 songs because of this.
Posted 13 years ago
I really hope this does some damage to them. For too long Imvu has not listened to it's user base and thought it could get away with anything it wanted. Let's hope this teaches them a lesson.
Posted 13 years ago
I support everything that you are doing. Having went through a loss of merchandise myself, that IMVU decided was not appropriate, and I might add when they make a sweep they don't reimburse your credits, and who made them the censorship Gods, anyway. At 53, I should be able to decide for myself what I am allowed/not allowed to use. This type of censorship should not be permitted. This would include not being able to listen to more than 20 seconds of an audio track. If the producers of the track are not complaining then what right does IMVU have to proclaim different.
Posted 13 years ago
Insomniac wrote:
If the producers of the track are not complaining then what right does IMVU have to proclaim different.

If the producers weren't complaining, then I am actually curious as to what Imvu's thought process was when they made the decision to limit all music. You'd think they'd make more money if they offered full songs and we all know Imvu only cares about making money.
Posted 13 years ago
hi, im RL.. in imvu i cant say .(do i need to?) any way ive been in world since 5/10.... i only had a few sngs in my bling acsessories .. about 10 of them... it really angered me that they will not reemburse for shortened songs.. music is still offered in world in shop, outside the website...its like a recall.. they already went to court to have it decided that imvu CR is worth some curancy resemblance.....go get them......!! were right with you....
Posted 13 years ago
Thank you so much! Supporting you all the way
Posted 13 years ago
Im glad to see theres some one trying to DO something about this. been a member there since 07, n me And most i know have at leats 400 songs pluss each..
Imvu knew all time what was done, and they let it pass cas of the earnings they got.
For each song that developers made... they earned.. for each time someone bought a song... they had theyr profits.
it would b intresting to see how much imvu . inc . earned just on music items. from the store, n not theyr streaming music
( witch you can't use ur free credits on to buy).
Them music items MADE Imvu.
Posted 13 years ago
Thanks, Mr. Kennedy, for taking this on.

For members, if you use version 424 or earlier, the songs still play full length :D
Posted 13 years ago
absynthian wrote:
For members, if you use version 424 or earlier, the songs still play full length :D

Thanks for this info.

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