Someone has some explaining to do....

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 14 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Someone has copied and pasted all of our tutorials word for word into a group: ... REE+CREDIT

Most of our credit methods are against IMVU TOS and will get this person into extreme trouble if IMVU finds out. IMVU does not allow offlinking, pyramid schemes, or data collection....which most of our tutorials contain.

This person has 48 hours to take down the group or I will before IMVU finds out and their account gets into trouble. Our scientists worked hard on those tutorials + graphics; this person has not the right to use them to conduct their own business. I am all up for giving out free credits, but the sad truth is...we are a business and competitors will be taken down.
Posted 15 years ago
It's simple why someone would like to do this:

- Put his own ref link in all these methods.
- Being Don in his own lil mafia
- Being loved and liked because of showing people methods

And it was [name removed] as you can see..
I'm really disappointed in him.

Also he's away a few days.
Posted 15 years ago
Wow, I want some info or answers... preferably info.

Can you please PM me everything that happened Don?

How successful were they? Was there any linking to this site?
Posted 15 years ago
So who will sleep with fishes today don? :twisted:
Posted 15 years ago
I guess marta's boyfriend? :)
Posted 15 years ago
i asked u guys for help with group codes .. u all could see my group
i didnt knew imvu dont allow that cos i dont get how they dont allow that way to earn credits if they offer them or something else was problem .. i copy text for most simple reason save time .. u have codes for see messages see mine and u will see .. more then 100 messages ppl asking me to show them how to get credits .. its all cos yahoo...
i didnt made group for glory or something else .. i didnt earn nothing from any of these metods all i earned was learning from u guys .. i admit wrong thing was to take other ppls text and put it and they worked hard on that for long time and to steal in in second if i knew thoese metods was inligal i wouldnt put them in group .. as u ..if u saw group i said there no cheating cheats or anything like that .. i was looking in imvu groups for credits cos i needed it and couldnt get it in anyway anywhere found few was bad so i made my own one ... only way i could earn anything was trought refs .. so i post mine ..
it wasnt any kind of mafia it was clean group and i wanted to be like that .. if i knew something was illigal i woudlnt post it cos i didnt wanted to get deleted .. i would remove it and doing in what it had .. here i learnd most and i liked that so i wanted to help others that was my other reason ... only these two reasons had influence on making group ... now u guys deside to delete me ban me disable me do what u want .. i would like to stay and learn more

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