Do me a favor?

by halieccboo · 48 posts
13 years ago in Social Games
Posted 13 years ago · Author
Okay. You tell the person below you to do something, and they make an excuse or reason not to. example: Give me that pizza! then the person below me would say something like: But I ate it. Okay let's start.

Make me a sandwhich!
Posted 13 years ago · Author
i would if i could but i can't

.. walk my dog?
Posted 13 years ago · Author
i dunno you that well

sing me a song?
Posted 13 years ago
I wrote this just now, but my singing voice is too terrible to sing it:
I want to curl up and disappear with you
hold youuu, tight forever
be mine forever
curl up and disappear with you
we caaan, sleep together
curl up together
and I’ll disappear with you

I’d disappear with you
I would disappear for you
I would disappear with you

I have never felt this kind of love
Where you don’t love the same
I’ve never been so swept before
Swept aside and left camping on the floor

I want to curl up and disappear with you
hold youuu, tight forever
be mine forever
curl up and disappear with you
we caaan, sleep together
curl up together
and I’ll disappear with you

I’d disappear with you
I would disappear for you
I would disappear with you


Tell me that you can not do me a favor.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
but i don't have a voicebox

go tackle that gazelle O:!!
Posted 13 years ago
halieccboo wrote:
but i don't have a voicebox

By telling me that you do not have a voice box, you just told me that you can not do me the favor of telling me you can not do me a favor, thus doing me a favor. I broke your game. :badgrin:

Oh, and I can not catch the gazelle, because I am too fast and keep passing it.

Now do me a favor a favor and break my heart.
Posted 13 years ago · Author
but technically i did not tell you with my voice but with my fingers, by typing, so you did not break my game.

i cannot break your heart because i am too nice of a person.

turn on the television
Posted 13 years ago
halieccboo wrote:
but technically i did not tell you with my voice but with my fingers, by typing, so you did not break my game.

Where did I say that you had to tell me with your voice?

I do not watch TV.

Do not love me.

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