Don Falcon's 1st Annual Olympics (Free Credits)

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 106 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
~thinks about makeing a fanzy speach anyway~ :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
Is this topic still active? owo I wanna sing XD
Posted 14 years ago
Banners :

i got five :]






Posted 14 years ago
26trixie26 wrote:
Banners :

i got five :]



Where did you get that background??
Posted 14 years ago
aaa... :shock:
Posted 14 years ago
Xdark wrote:
Is this topic still active? owo I wanna sing XD

LOL, go ahead.
Posted 13 years ago
if dis post still good i can make a banner what size...
Posted 13 years ago
Like ur banners
Posted 12 years ago
I have an idea actually, I don't know if one has already been made. If not here is my idea, how about I make a facebook fan page for the mafias. This will give us power on the social networking front. People who like the fan page can check out the website and forums. We can clearly put up the links to it on the page and of course I will have to add the top members of the mafias on facebook. Or just Don Von Free Credits if he would like to oversee this operation himself. I will make him admin of the page, and take full direction from him on how to post status updates and what to add to the page. He or anyone else you guys or gals pick to take part in it can feel free to do what you think would be good for the fan page. Let me know if you already have one or if this is an idea you think would be good. :)
Posted 12 years ago
Sheldor wrote:
I have an idea actually, I don't know if one has already been made. If not here is my idea, how about I make a facebook fan page for the mafias. This will give us power on the social networking front. People who like the fan page can check out the website and forums. We can clearly put up the links to it on the page and of course I will have to add the top members of the mafias on facebook. Or just Don Von Free Credits if he would like to oversee this operation himself. I will make him admin of the page, and take full direction from him on how to post status updates and what to add to the page. He or anyone else you guys or gals pick to take part in it can feel free to do what you think would be good for the fan page. Let me know if you already have one or if this is an idea you think would be good. :)

Most of our staff are well trained hackers and a well trained h4c|<7r does not touch a social network with a 50ft pole. The last thing we want is all of our personal information on the web for IMVU inc to track us down with. This is why our website is built like a social network, so inner-family socializing may take place on our site without anyone having to give away their account names on other sites. Our site has everything from groups to galleries to blogs to classifieds to notifications to chat to statuses to games to wiki to mailing to file uploading ....etc, etc, etc

Now, there is an unofficial facebook page for The IMVU Mafias that to my understanding already has a fair number of members, but I am not touching it and I know most of our staff feels the same way. Unless you know a way to hide all of our members within the group and keep them from displaying the group on their profiles, this sounds like too much of a security risk.

Good idea, but too risky.

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