This really did need UPDATED:
1. I changed the old broken urls to the urls belonging to our new forums(the following urls in the opening post have been fixed):
Code of Posting;
Become a VIP Mafia Member;
IMVU Portable;
Old versions of IMVU;
How to deal with an IMVU Bully;
Try rooms and furniture before you buy!;
Free Stickers!;
Mega Word Trigger List;
The general guide to filling out offers;
Get your IMVU VIP free - Currently DOWN;
Don Falcon's 1st Annual Olympics;
Peer Review;
The IMVU Mafias' WatchBot;
Don Von Free Credits' Mafia Outfit;
Tony's War Avatar;
50$ a day strategy with neobux;
A New Way To Verify Paypal;
Request Mafia Protection.
2. I changed the word 'Name' to 'VIP for the first month' in the category of 'Free Credits and VIP for the first month', since we don't offer free IMVU name anymore. Though, I noted The Free VIP is currently closed.
3. I removed the links for the 'New Product Page' and 'Spin Free', since IMVU Has shut those down.
And added Nikky's TIM Appreciation contest link to the list.