Once-a-day-link abuse?

General Tony
by General Tony · 2 posts
12 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 12 years ago · Author
Hello guys,

didn't know where to put this, so it landed here, sue me.

There are those links from which you profit a little something if you click it everyday once and if you try one more time, it doesn't work.
Now due a bad connection with the internet for a few seconds when I clicked on that link, it took more than normal to load, so I refreshed while the link was opening.
Outcome profit doubled, a bug maybe? Something that they can't control maybe? For the summary, this is not about imvu credits or money, or else of course I'd share.
I need this to have an "advantage" in a little contest. I wasn't interested in winning, but since I can make it easier for myself, why not.

Now, problem. I don't see the link. I click on a button, where not even the settings can help me.
So first how do I find out what link it is?
Second how can I make it load, let's say ten times at the exact same time?

I'm curious if you can help me and if it's gonna work.

Thank's in advance.

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