Third Bi-Monthly Mafia Meeting - OLD

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 14 posts
16 years ago in Mafia News
Posted 16 years ago · Author
Count down to starting day of the next meeting:

Details on exact times, location, and topics comming latter...
Check e-mails tomorrow for more info.

Monthly Mafia Meeting Feb 19th - 21st.
12:00:00 Midnight February, 2008 in GMT
For time conversions, go here:

01) Mafia Tool Bar
02) HP codes
03) Nude Codes
04) Mafia Products
05) Organizing With Other Mafias
06) New Free Animations
07) Organize With Other Sites
08) Trading Macros
10) open Q & A
Posted 16 years ago
Oh crap, I missed it (and is very sorry for).
Posted 16 years ago
Wait, when? its 9:30 AM over here atm. And the countdown timer reached zero long ago for me. You still didn't fix it?

EDIT: Ok, now I missed it. It's rather quite complicated >_>
Posted 16 years ago
Jeez, I just missed the meeting by a few days >.>+. When's the next one? I suppose it won't be announced for awhile.
Posted 16 years ago don't sleep do you? I now pronounce you a vampire...or something along the lines of that.

Well, at least this solved the mystery of if the issue of timezones was solved. ^^ Thanks for the quick response.

For lazy people who don't want to use the links provided:

People in Eastern USA ( ie New York): The meeting is at 20:00:00 Thursday March 20, 2008. Also know as 8pm.

USA, Central: 1am Friday March 21, 2008

USA, Pacific: 11pm Thursday March 20, 2008

Hope no ones confused ^^"

(ps: Shouldn't we start a new sticky for the new meeting? What can we do about the old threads about the old meetings? Possible make a new sticky for "Regarding older meetings" and move all the posts there?)
Posted 16 years ago
thank you for the times because i am lazy lol. i put an alarm on for it on my phone so i should be able to make this one. i know its bad i have some power here and haven't made it to a meeting yet but im busy and always miss it. i will make sure to be there next time as long as there is not some sort of emergency.
Posted 16 years ago
No problem B'chani. Since most of our traffic comes from USA it should be helpful-ish. I've been mia myself so it's the first meeting I'll be making too ^^ I wonder what the topics will be and how much I'll be able to contribute...Oo Meh, See ya there Bi chan

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