beyond scared straight

by toxy · 7 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
I love the show beyond scared straight bcause it's funny seeing all of the pople in the program being yelled atby the prisoners and being stupid by acting brave when they know they want to wet themselves from fear of what all the prisoners are saying towards them and some of the prisoners threatening them becase of how they look who they are or what they say they are a part of like gangs or crimes , but it's extremely entertaining to see the ones who think they're so tuff and they can't go to jail and be a criminal and be stuck in some cell for hours on end until the cops and prison gaurds decide it's time for you to get out. The ones who are in the program are so stupid you never act tuff in front of hard criminals because they have ben through so much and done so much it's like are you serious you really are gonna act all tuff and have your life threatened by hardened criminals for no real reason at all but to try and keep their so called "tough guy persona up" because they think who they're going around starting problems and being criminals with for no reason but just to be stupid and trying to get an adrenaline rush from the rush of the crime they pulled because they think it makes them hard , it makes them tough it makes them cool (not) , i'd never end up in their because i'm not stupid and because of my size and strength if i commited a crime i'd probably be charged as an adult well that's what i think and feel woulod happen so i try and stay on the straight and narrow besides being some so called thug and a criminal on the road because my family would probably not help me by being a criminal and a prisoner i'd probably be dishonored basically. I'd try to get some of my friends in the program because they need it badly and because they'd probably break down and cry or they'd probably get roughed up a little for not acting right or trying to be tuff no matter what happens. Some of my family would probably be in the program because of teir past and the road they are on
Posted 6 years ago
It is a pretty good show. My favorite was the white girl who actually attacked one of the guards, I think it was because he was yelling in her face. A lot of the kids who go in there often talk big and pretend that they won't get scared in a prison, but when they're put in it they're knocked back down. It's hilarious on how someone who's acts all high and mighty can be drop kicked back to a baby :awesome40:
Posted 6 years ago
I used to religiously watch Beyond Scared Straight, but it just got really repetitive so it got boring to me. It was very entertaining though
Posted 6 years ago
I've seen some YouTube videos about it, there was some kid who really just kept smiling like he don't give a damn, like really, the kid was a psychopath, shows like that always end up being repetitive.
Posted 6 years ago
I like the show for entertainment but I don't think it helps the children. Yes, there needs to be something out there to help these kids before they turn to crime; a job, career help, sports programs, an after-school program, counseling and other work can be done. Personally, I dont agree with snatching the childrens shoes, clothes or making them eat the food, they spit n the kids & call them out their names. If the kids lash out then they're in trouble but self defense comes into play after they're touched. I also heard that the program dosen't help these kids, its pointless but I like to watch it.
Posted 6 years ago
It was definitely a good show but like someone above said, it got repetitive and just got boring after a while. It was funny watching the kids get scared sh*tless though. Got a good laugh from the kids that thought they could talk back and be sassy even though they wanted to run and cry to their mommies.
Posted 5 years ago
All I used to watch were the youtube compilations, my youtube recommended was filled with them.

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