Be Glad This is Not Your Penis!

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 69 posts
12 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
I use to run a social network for people with fetishes....; tis just the kind of information you pick you when you cater to that kind of community.

...I have the opposite problem, she wants to stop before I am finished....

Ah the weird things you see on this has everyone been?
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
G__ wrote:
Don Von Free Credits wrote:

Some guys have trouble keeping it up and look for a quick fix.
Really though, if you have those problems, that is what fluffing, rings, and pumps are for. Some pressure on the prostate works too.

LOL Don,you are master on this theme xD

I use to run a social network for people with fetishes....; tis just the kind of information you pick you when you cater to that kind of community.

...I have the opposite problem, she wants to stop before I am finished....

<--jelly at your gf LOL
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Biitch wrote:
<--jelly at your gf LOL

She might disagree, because she reaches her peaks quickly and then wants to sleep.

I need long time,to reach mine,so umm :P
Posted 12 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Third Penis To Be Glad Is Not Yours:
In hyena packs, the females are larger, stonger and dominate.
When a male greets the alpha female, he does so by lifting a hind leg
and exposing an erection as a sign of submission.
How is an erection a sign of sign of submission you might ask?
This is considered a sign of submission, because if the alpha female is displeased with him,
she will bite off his penis, taking away his manhood and removing any chance of his stupidity / weakness
from carrying on to the next generations in her pack.

On a side note, just to give you an idea of how dominant female hyenas are: the female hyena's clitoris is 7 inches long, longer than the male hyena's penis; due to this sex tends to be very difficult / aggressive and hyenas start practicing at only a few months old

Skip to fourth: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=7873&p=115032#p115032

This is my favorite one. I was wondering if it would be in this thread.

Did you also know that the hyena was once thought to be the worlds only true hermaphrodite? Scientists assumed the female hyena could impregnate other females if the male population dwindled because the females would mount lesser females with their large clitoris and carry on with this activity for several minutes. It was later discovered that the female hyena does not have testicles hidden inside the body nor any sperm to provide. You can also obtain these animals through this insane guy named Ken in the US. Why you would, I have no idea. But there you go....

Another fun fact: The HUMAN female clitoris is nothing but a deformed penis that occurs in the womb when deciding on the sex. Think of that the next time you go down town. ;)

-- Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:56 pm --

Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Seventh penis to be glad is not yours:

It is true that you should not pee in the Amazon River, but some people do. Fish called Candiru or Carnero live in the Amazon and are attracted to urine. This ell like cat fish is so translucent that it can be nearly impossible to spot in the water. The average specimen grows to approximately 3-6 inches long and is about a quarter of an inch in diameter. Some claim this fish is the most feared in the entire Amazon region, and it is not hard to see why. They can swim up a urine stream and insert themselves into a penis. It normally lodges itself inside the gills of a larger fish and sucks their blood to live, but to it, a penis is all the same, just a big yummy blood sack between a man's legs. This parasitic penis fish lodges itself somewhere in the urinary tract with its spines and it uses its mouth for feeding by sucking blood, becoming increasingly swollen with its host's blood, it tears its host's genitals apart from the inside. Have you ever seen the alien babies from aliens vs predator burst out of a man's chest? Well, imagine that happening to a penis, maybe your penis. Now be glad that this is not your penis. Removal of the fish is extremely hard due to the spines and if the problem is not treated it can result in removal of the genitals. The Candiru is a terrifying monstrous fish that would love to eat your penis.

Skip to the eighth: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=7873&p=116841#p116841

Saw this on River Monsters. It was awesome. The host, Jeremy, offered the poor native man who had once had one inside his penis a chance to touch the specimen they extracted. He politely refused and moved away from the formaldehyde jar. Lol.
Posted 11 years ago
this made me glad that im human
Posted 11 years ago
pumasa wrote:
this made me glad that im human

See my previous tidbit on the female human part. xD
Posted 11 years ago
Omg, no thank you lol
Posted 11 years ago
The weird ones I've heard about were of Ducks, Tapirs and Turtles

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