
by BloodLustD · 5 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
So I just read about this. I thought the "English" were supposed to be civilised atleast that's how they make themselves sound in all their history books, well look at it now, in the 1600's they were freaking CANNIBALS!!! - And they ate children...

Early settlers resorted to cannibalism at Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, researchers said after unveiling forensic analysis on the bones of a 14-year-old girl.

Facing a period of starvation in the winter of 1609-1610 when about 80 percent of the colonists died, some apparently tried to dig into the brain of a child who had already died, said anthropologists at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

The girl's skull showed signs of awkward attempts to extract the brain matter, said Douglas Owsley, the Smithsonian forensic anthropologist who analyzed the skull and tibia of the girl who came to Virginia from England.

"The desperation and overwhelming circumstances faced by the James Fort colonists during the winter of 1609-1610 are reflected in the postmortem treatment of this girl's body," said Owsley.

"The recovered bone fragments have unusually patterned cuts and chops that reflect tentativeness, trial and complete lack of experience in butchering animal remains," he added.

"Nevertheless, the clear intent was to dismember the body, removing the brain and flesh from the face for consumption."
Posted 11 years ago
The original settlers from England to America were not good people by English standards.
Most of them came from English prisons, because everyone thought that Christopher Columbus (leader of the expedition) was a crazy ass hat on a suicide mission.
So ... they told the criminals in their jails ... "You can either die and rot in jail, or you can serve the king by getting on this boat where you will most likely die".
Of course the criminals choose the boat, because we all know gangsters love boats.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
They just wanted to be Pirates.

And that would make sense, I learned allot of English History and Irish History and not allot of American History in school, only the High Points and the Low Points of AH, but, yeah, never heard of that with Cannibalism.

Makes sense why they're so deranged..
Posted 11 years ago
BloodLustD wrote:
They just wanted to be Pirates.

And that would make sense, I learned allot of English History and Irish History and not allot of American History in school, only the High Points and the Low Points of AH, but, yeah, never heard of that with Cannibalism.

Makes sense why they're so deranged..

There's not much to learn about US American history. As far as history goes, the USA is a relatively new country.
Your average college will cover US history in 1-2 semesters.

I find European history much more exciting.

Humans anywhere you go though are deranged.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
I only know history from a high school type of level.

Never made it to College.

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