What type of meal are you?

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 8 posts
11 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Just tell me a little bit about your personality and then I will decide what type of meal you are!
Posted 11 years ago
Hmm, I am OCD, somewhat ADD and I tend not to take shit from people. My personality if far more complicated but I would have trouble explaining it all so I'll leave it at that.
Posted 11 years ago · Author

D.M. you are the Submarine Sandwich. Like all submarine sandwiches, subs are designed to consist of everything one wants out of them. Since a sub is customizable in a virtually infinite amount of ways, one picks and decides exactly what one wants in it and never needs to worry about anything one doesn't want in the sandwich being in it. If one does not want onions, that person won't allow any fucking onions to get anywhere near their sandwich. However, at the same time there are so many different types of subs to make, it can be easy for someone to just go to a 7/11 or any store and buy a sub pre-made, since its easier and doesn't require a lot of thinking and consideration.

However, Submarine Sandwiches are a very mysterious food as so many things are customizable including whether one wants their bread toasted, whether they want the sandwich cut a certain way, and thus can't be spoken about vaguely and narrowed down as saying "i want a sub."
Posted 11 years ago
hahahaha DM a sub....oh I can't wait to hear what I am! LOL

I think I'll just use the one I did for the animal one..just to play it safe.

I am an observer, quiet, but will speak my mind when needed, an authoritarian, a leader, a lover, caring, devoted, trusting, trustworthy, loyal, stand up for what I believe in, fight for what is right, the voice of the people, strategic, cunning, I never give up, defender and protector, dangerous, temptress...just to name a few
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Ice wrote:
hahahaha DM a sub....oh I can't wait to hear what I am! LOL

I think I'll just use the one I did for the animal one..just to play it safe.

I am an observer, quiet, but will speak my mind when needed, an authoritarian, a leader, a lover, caring, devoted, trusting, trustworthy, loyal, stand up for what I believe in, fight for what is right, the voice of the people, strategic, cunning, I never give up, defender and protector, dangerous, temptress...just to name a few


You are the alluring bucket of fried chicken. Simply put, everyone loves fried chicken. Much like your alluring and tempting personality, nobody can resist a hot steaming bucket. However, everyone has preferences as to how they like their fried chicken. Much like your observing, quiet personality, in fried chicken's normal form, it is simply just chicken in a bread batter, delicious already; however sometimes the fried chicken needs to have an extra kick to it to make the flavor stand out, much like your authoritative and leading personality. Fried chicken isn't afraid to be mixed with all kinds of sauce, some like their chicken with honey, some with bbq sauce, some with buffalo sauce, ranch, etc. Just as you stand up for your beliefs, each person who has a sauce preference will fight for what they believe is the superior sauce. (its honey mustard btw) However, no matter what kind of sauce people like on their fried chicken, all people simply agree that Fried Chicken is a delicious food, and thus just as you are the voice of your people, Fried Chicken is the voice of everyone with a tongue and taste buds.
Posted 11 years ago
-makes a mental note to stock up on honey mustard to try in new recipes with chicken- :lol:

I could soooooo make a comment, but I'll behave. I'm not up to picking up all of the minds that would suddenly drop into the gutter! lol
Posted 10 years ago
Hmmm how to put my personality into words......

Observant, pervy, protective of those close to me, not afraid to speak my mind, can be a smart ass most of the time, tend to look at things in all ways, someone not to tick off..... just to throw a lil out there.

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