Hello from Lulu ^-^

by Lulunaea · 8 posts
11 years ago in Introductions
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Hey everyone,

It took a while to decide but I finally realized I wanted to be known here as Lulunaea, or Lulu for short. The name as a lot of (silly) meaning to me from my younger days. I'm 26 years old, I've been a member of IMVU since 2007, and I am probably one of the easiest people in the world to get along with.
I would say that a majority of my partial free time is taken up by IMVU. It's my favorite way to kill time in between loads of laundry or when I need a break from homework. I'm actually a rather boring sort of person. I don't have many hobbies besides reading and occasionally drawing or devving. I also play a lot of video games, and I am a hardcore board game addict. :lol: I am married and attending school to become a Pharmacy tech and to get my associates. I own my own home and I have two bratty cats and a mini dachshund, but no children yet. YET! But soon.

I discovered the Mafia a long time ago, at least two but maybe three years. Just googling for ways to get free credits. I was only a lurker back then. I recently re-discovered this place (searching for black market products :badgrin: ) so I decided that it was high time I actually joined seriously. I've had it out for IMVU ever since I was wrongfully banned and was extorted to get my account back. I've also come across a handful of members who seem to be able to do things that they PROBABLY learned from here, and I want to be in on it! It's been a while since I've found a forum that I enjoyed enough to attend religiously, so I hope this one fills the void. From 16 to 18 years old I moderated on a forum called ZetaForums, which was my home away from home during those troubled teenage years and I was sad to see it go.

I'm sorry to say that I don't have any real solid skill sets to offer but I am always willing to learn new things, my next goal is to teach myself how to Mesh.

Anyhow, I think this has become long-winded enough. I look forward to making many new friends!

Much love from Lulu~
Posted 11 years ago
Hello Lulu, welcome to the forum!
Posted 11 years ago
Welcome to the family Lulu. When it comes to the atrocities of IMVU staff, we feel your pain.

If you are looking to get deeper into our forums / organization, the medits that you earn by posting can be spent on extra forum permissions / access to hidden areas of the forums: shop.php?mode=showcat&c=6

If your goal is to learn how to mesh, then I suggest getting the mafia VIP permissions, which will give you access to our VIP downloads. I am pretty sure there are some free meshing programs in the VIP downloads area.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
Thank you both for the welcome.

I am definitely interested in the VIP section at least if there's meshing programs hidden there~
Posted 11 years ago
Lulunaea wrote:
Thank you both for the welcome.
I am definitely interested in the VIP section at least if there's meshing programs hidden there~

You're very welcome. I'm also a newbie in this forum joining less than 2 weeks ago. I was able to reach my goal of achieving Mafia VIP sooner by choosing Option 2 (minimum of 25 posts + subscribing to 2 YouTube channels). I was able to make 25 posts by resurrecting threads originally posted several months ago; this is allowed (with the blessing of Don Von) as long as you have "new stuff" to add, and not spamming. I also have noticed that you get more medits by posting in paragraphs, instead of one-liners. I think having moderator experience in the past, will be a potential asset to this organization. I am also interested in devving, but I don't have much experience with graphical design (not sure if those skill sets are independent of each other).

I think being a Pharm Tech is a "real solid skill set" in this organization. However, if you look at the Gray Market, the organization is currently not selling any "digital" drugs, lol. I could possibly help you reach your goal of being a Mafia VIP sooner if we reply to each other's posts.
Posted 11 years ago · Author
:lol: "Digital" drugs. You're a pretty funny guy there.

Thanks for the heads up on the youtube subscriptions, I wasn't aware of that. I'll get there when I get there though, it's nothing I'm in too much of a hurry for and I'm sure after the busy holidays I'll find plenty of ways to up my count.

I also just wanna say that devving itself isn't very hard at all. It doesn't require much of any skill depending on what types of products you make. Picture frames for instance are ridiculously easy. Cloths are hard to me because opacity maps can be confusing. I think that skins are sort of somewhere in the middle with a LOT of good tutorials on youtube for how to make them, even in a free art program like GIMP.

:> You should give it a whirl someday, it's really addicting and you'll soon improve.
Posted 11 years ago
Lulunaea wrote:
:lol: "Digital" drugs. You're a pretty funny guy there...

Being funny is my nature... :) Pharm Techs are very helpful; at least, you can moonlight earning extra money in drug stores, like Walgreen's and CVS. I'm pursuing a pre-med college course (B.S. Biology), hopefully getting to medical school. If ever I become a physician, (I think it's "real solid skill set"), I'll treat TIM members here for FREE, if they contract any digital STDs in game... :)

You're welcome. Getting Option 2 will make you a Mafia VIP and enjoy some VIP perks. However, to be eligible for serious training, you have to accumulate at least 50 posts and pay the training "tuition fee" from your medits. Take your time upping your post count. I was in a hurry to get the Mafia VIP to access Don Von's dating tips to learn something I didn't know, but most of the links are not working. It was a great motivation though for me to pursue Mafia VIP, lol.

Thanks much for the tips. I appreciate them. In fact, not sure, that this site is selling a software worth looking at, T3DE. I would surely give devving a spin... IMVU itself is addicting; priceless, if I learn a new skill set; I'll take my time. Happy Holidays!
Posted 10 years ago
Welcome & Nice to meet ya Lulu :3

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