oh wise IMVU answer my question

Nikky Maxim
by Nikky Maxim · 6 posts
12 years ago in Social Games
Posted 12 years ago · Author
So this is a fun game i just came up with.
You make a question for the person below and they answer it with the exact 2 words he got when he first oppened the imvu sign up page.
Let's be honest here folks even if it doesn't make sence let's still do this.
Ok i start with the question:
What do you do with your free time?
Posted 11 years ago
Like a Man on the hunt for a peace of meat

Where do you want to eat tonight?
Posted 10 years ago
IMVU Registration

What do you have planned for today?
Posted 10 years ago
Cheese and Crackers

What are you chewing right now?

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