How to get rid of a man who plays God in IMVU

by elli · 11 posts
10 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Is there a way to get rid of a man who keeps hurting others in IMVU...He owns well known clubs and is a really big a-hole. Has people work for him gets them close then drops them...Marries women and gets them all caught up then slams them...talks about every other family in IMVU saying he is untouchable and he and his clubs are far superior to anyone in IMVU...Its sickening to see him so big headed and with such a GOD syndrome ...I would love to see him stripped and taken all the way down . Is that possible or am I just having wishful thoughts.
Posted 10 years ago
You could let his mouth get him in trouble. Let him jabber on and then report the chat.Get him to say harassing things about people and then get him to talk about how IMVU sucks and there CS can't touch him etc.. That might work. And if he's a creator you could send me his name and I'll rip all his products and pass them around.
Posted 10 years ago
Send me his account name. He might be worth checking out. If he seems to be a danger to the community, then I will consider finding the time to do more. If he poses no danger and is just an asshole though, then I suggest just blocking him.
Posted 10 years ago
Send me his account name also.
Posted 10 years ago
Perhaps the "big a-hole" is just a poser acting like an arrogant megalomaniac bastard with delusions of grandeur; what he needs is electroconvulsive therapy, lol... Shun him and his clubs, and keep IMVU as drama-free as possible. However, if he bullies, harasses, or stalks you (even though stalking is caring, lol), then that is a different matter.

BTW, welcome to the forum, Elli.
Posted 10 years ago
Just make 15 people to flag him/her and done :D :twisted:
Posted 10 years ago
Seems like just another IMVU "A-Hole". Blocking him sounds like the right move
Posted 10 years ago
would you send me his account name as well, so curious about such person.
Posted 10 years ago
Why not start a family formed by all of the people that he has wronged? If he is that much of a prick, the family will grow to the point where it is larger than his own and possibly begin pulling members of his family over. That is the friendly version of what I would do...but then again, I'm spiteful.

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