the CTRL + V Game

by Reimei · 79 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago
I copied some code to get a new badge working right.
Posted 10 years ago
$("#cardview").on("click", function(){
            <form action="./pages/tools/cardGen/avicard.php" target="avicard" method="POST">
               Enter Avatar Name: <input type="text" name="aviname" />
               <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Get Avatar Card" />

Was working on the jquery for the tool navigation
Posted 10 years ago
mine loo

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Name of Product: Premium Male Sex Avatar - 3SIF - PRB
Posted 10 years ago
I copy-pasted [CTRL + V] the joke below I found in the net to another "Social Games" thread: (ka-ching, Medits, hehehe)
An elementary school math teacher asked her class one day, "If there are three birds on a wire, and a farmer shot one, how many are left?"
One little boy said two, but little Sally, realizing it was a trick question, said, "None, 'cause everyone knows that if you shoot at birds they all fly away." The teacher congratulates her on her correct answer.

Little Johnny, however, disagreed. He said, "No, there would be one -- the one that the farmer shot."

The teacher replied, "No, Johnny, you're wrong, but I like the way you think."

"OK, teacher, I have a riddle for you," boasted Johnny. "Let's say three women are at a bar and they each order a single scoop ice cream cone. The first one eats it by gently licking it around the edges, the second slowly sucks the ice cream off the cone from the top, and the third gobbles the top and then sucks the rest out of the cone. Which one is married?"

After a few seconds of contemplation, the teacher replied, "Well, I think it must be the third, the one that gobbles the top and sucks out the inside."

Johnny responded, "No, teacher, you're wrong -- it's the one with the wedding ring. But I like the way you think."
Posted 10 years ago
I had to copy and paste DM's arrows into a game thread as my keyboard decided to be temper-mental and not create one of them by using the Alt 24.
Posted 10 years ago
19. Like any household animal, a slave is not to beg from the table for food or scraps. The slave is fed when the Owner chooses to feed the slave and whatever They choose to feed. A slave is not permitted to be picky and must eat what is put before them.
Posted 10 years ago
27705368 ... LOL its a PID by derivation

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