What would you do if

by Hantarione · 58 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 13 years ago
I'd die.

What would you do if you were bi?
Posted 13 years ago
Date the nearest guy.

What would you do if you knew B, C, C# and C++?
Posted 11 years ago
I most likely would have a blow out driving down the street.l...

What would you do if you found that you have a STD?
Posted 11 years ago
I'd have to have sex for that...but in that event, probably show up and shoot him...literally.

What would you do if you woke up in the morning in bed with Don?
Posted 10 years ago
...I would scream and murder him.
Posted 10 years ago
I hope I wake up first and grab all the booze and try to forget I was round....if his wife dont kill me first :razz:
Posted 10 years ago
What would you do if you found out your new bf was actually a girl (or vice versa for the guys)?
Posted 10 years ago
I am bi ... so

What would you do if you one day woke and your body mutated to cockroach ??
Posted 10 years ago
Get a job for mutant cockroach movies ^.^

What would you do if when you wake up and look outside, there has been a zombie apocalypse?

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