Getting all the badges in 1 click

by DataMine · 33 posts
10 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Do you like to collect badges? Do you ever come across homepages that have more than 1 badge you wish you could just quickly and easily get all of them with the click of a button? I will show you how to do just that.

This tutorial will teach you how to make a bookmarklet that when clicked, will automatically grab all the badges that someone has available on their homepage to be auto gifted.

Step 1: Create a new bookmarklet.
If you do not know how to create a bookmarklet, click one of the links below that corresponds to your web browser:

How to create bookmarks for FireFox
How to create bookmarks for Chrome
How to create bookmarks for Internet Explorer

Step 2: In the Url/Location area, paste this code:
javascript:(function(){ $('.request_badge_button').each(function(i, obj) { IMVU.grantBadge($(obj).attr('id').replace("grant-","")); }); })();

Then click save/add.

Step 3: Go to the homepage that has badges.
Note: You must use this url otherwise the bookmarklet won't work: " NAME HERE"

Check out this thread for a list of homepages that have badges: viewtopic.php?f=140&t=9329

Step 4: Click the bookmarklet you made created and wait. Depending on how many badges there are, it should only take a few seconds to get them all.

Step 5: Go to your account page and make sure you got the badges:


If you need help, feel free to post in this thread or send me a private message.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
mcdouche wrote:
thats a pretty awesome nice to get non auto grants from them wankers too

If you can link me to a homepage that has them, I can try figuring out a way to get them. Unless you mean the ones that are private and they have to send them out manually,.
Posted 10 years ago · Author
mcdouche wrote:
sent u a link....good luck..that would be one helluva program tho

-- Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:47 am --

if its not possible..does the program get badges that are auto but they put stickers over them to block click?

Yeah, this will get any badge on the HP that has a button to click to grant the badge to yourself. Even if the button is hidden.
Posted 10 years ago
Very helpful.
There are homepages with like a handful of badges, saves the hassle.
Posted 8 years ago · Author
x3vi0l3nt_kissx3 wrote:
Perhaps it's because this is an old method, but when clicking bookmark on the url, I get an error telling me to log in.

Yeah, IMVU made some changes that prevents you from granting badges unless you're using the normal homepage url. This bookmarklet is mainly a macro that clicks the grant badge for you which is why it doesn't work.

If I can learn how to access content inside an iframe with javascript I could possibly make my bookmarklets work on the normal urls.
Posted 7 years ago
How do you put badges in your shop to sell instead of auto grant
kinda makes it hard to swallow when you spend 100k and get nothing back
Posted 7 years ago
How do i get these badges wont let me click :kat_emoji1:

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