You Know You're Old When...

by AznPuff · 164 posts
9 years ago in Social Games
Posted 9 years ago · Author
How To Play: Describe in one sentence instances where you realized that you're old.

When you can't hang with the kids at parties anymore.
Posted 9 years ago
You know you're old when other's parents don't trust you for being older.
Posted 9 years ago
When you think songs from the 80s to 90s are cool still
Posted 9 years ago · Author
A mother you don't know refers to you as "Lady/Gentleman" to her child.
Posted 9 years ago
You refuse to act your age, rather be stuck in the past
Posted 9 years ago · Author
You groan when getting up.
Posted 9 years ago
You uncover the original Gameboy
Posted 9 years ago
Don't have the energy or motivation like you used to have when younger
Posted 9 years ago · Author
You no longer get excited on Christmas day.

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