Would You Rather?

by AznPuff · 146 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago · Author
No Kneea. If you can't bend your elbows your hand won't be able to reach your mouth.

Would you rather be a food critic or a game tester?
Posted 10 years ago
Food critic, It was a tough choice :O

Would you rather be really hairy all over your body and not be able to shave OR not have one hair anywhere?
Posted 10 years ago
Not a single hair.

Would you rather spend a quiet night at home watching movies or go out to the theatre?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Quiet night athome watching movies.

Would you rather spend a month anywhere you want in the world free of charge but without any internet or stay how you are?
Posted 10 years ago
A month anywhere i stay without internet :D

Would you rather be able to taste with your feet or smell with your fingers?
Posted 10 years ago
Smell with my fingers, I've stepped on some questionable things barefoot, and with smelling you don't have to, it would be similar to holding your nose.

Would you rather that you always have to say everything on your mind OR never speak again?
Posted 10 years ago
Say everything on my mind. I sure people could learn to live with it ;)

Would you rather be able to sleep with anyone you want to for a year and never be able to have sex again, or live how you are now?
Posted 10 years ago
Live how I am now, I'm sure I can change things around :P

Would you rather be 3 feet shorter OR 3 feet taller?
Posted 10 years ago · Author
3 feet taller

Would you rather walk on stilts or always avoid stepping on cracks
Posted 10 years ago
avoid stepping on cracks seems pretty fun.

Be naked in Antarctica OR wear a snow suit in the desert?

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