In what ways have you changed in 2014?

by AznPuff · 33 posts
10 years ago in Social Games
Posted 10 years ago · Author
I'm learning a lot of new things about myself.
That if I have the will to actually do something for myself and not for the sake of others then I will succeed faster.
Posted 10 years ago
(not quite just this year) I have such amazing friends around me
Posted 10 years ago
I appreciate the value of hard work more than ever and realize how many instances people go unrewarded for it.

I understand things don't come to you, so you have to really work hard for them.

Things don't always go as you plan them and that's okay because things always will work themselves out.

Aaaaand... uh. MAGfest was the single best thing that happened to me all year, was the best convention experience I had in years, and that was way back in January. So I can't wait to go back in 2015.
Posted 10 years ago
2014 is not finished yet, maybe there are still so many things I must learn in a few days :mrgreen:
Posted 10 years ago
That the world is harder and meaner than expected, but through perseverance and great friends, you can achieve anything!
Posted 10 years ago · Author
That getting out of your own comfort zone is a risk worth taking.
Posted 10 years ago
If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
You are never alone in your journey of life~
Posted 10 years ago · Author
Love is blind, time heals all wounds, beggars can't be choosers and looks can be deceiving.
Posted 10 years ago
Keep your friends close, have fun, study hard :P

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