Posted 9 years ago
How this works:
One poster lists three statements about themselves. One of the statements is true, but two of the statements are false. Posters guess which one is the truth and the poster with the correct answer (or whoever guesses the truthful answer first) then gets to make up three statements about themselves.
If you guys get it, I'll start by listing three things about myself. WHICH IS THE TRUTH?!
1. I once stayed awake for 48 hours.
2. I once commissioned shipping fanart of two real life people.
3. I have successfully swallowed a sword.
One poster lists three statements about themselves. One of the statements is true, but two of the statements are false. Posters guess which one is the truth and the poster with the correct answer (or whoever guesses the truthful answer first) then gets to make up three statements about themselves.
Post #1:
"1. I once sleepwalked into my bathroom.
2. I choked on a Life-Saver candy when I was little.
3. I frequently stay up until 4 AM."
Post #2:
"I'm gonna guess 1!"
Post #3:
"Definitely 3!"
Post #4:"Definitely 3!"
"#3 is correct! Your turn!"
Post #5:
"Yay, that's me! Okay, then...
1. My picture is on a certain restaurant wall for eating the largest burger in that restaurant.
2. I am a national karate champion.
3. I have never been in a car accident."
If you guys get it, I'll start by listing three things about myself. WHICH IS THE TRUTH?!
1. I once stayed awake for 48 hours.
2. I once commissioned shipping fanart of two real life people.
3. I have successfully swallowed a sword.