IMVU Program - Avi Pic Viewer

by DataMine · 25 posts
9 years ago in Mafia Tools
Posted 9 years ago · Author
This is a simple tool I created over the last few days as a learning exercise and out of curiosity. It allows you to view profile photos of IMVU avatars as you type out a name. For example: If you typed in the name Varsha, it would show you profile photos for the following people: var, vars, varsh and varsha.

I was interested to see what would happen if I requested a profile photo from IMVU for ever character I typed. It's interesting to see what avatar names exist as you type out common names or the names of your friends or simply when pounding on the keyboard to product random crap. I myself have found some interesting profile photos while testing this program over the last few days.

The program is very easy to use but also have quite a few features all presented in a format pleasing to the eye and convenient to use. Below is an image which describes what each button does, click on it to see a larger size:

Note: after clicking the image, click the magnifying glass in the top left corner of the image to view the full size so you can read the text

The main features of the program are:
-The ability to view profile photos on the fly in real time as you type
-The ability to save profile photos to your computer for later viewing
-The ability to visit the homepage of the profile photo's owner

Posted 9 years ago
got it done huh?. cool :D. got some things to do in rl. ill be around later on. ill give this a spin. thnx for sharing @DM
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Bulldog wrote:
got it done huh?. cool. got some things to do in rl. ill be around later on. ill give this a spin. thnx for sharing @DM

I wouldn't call it done, there's still more tidying up I'd like to do to the code but it works and it's fairly efficient so I figured it was time to post it and get on with other stuff.
Posted 9 years ago
It seems very well done. I like how it looks and that's an useful tool :coin:
Posted 9 years ago
Just tested. seems done to me. but for some feed back. i noticed when typing.. it lags the letters out. or maybe its because i type kinda quick. lol. overall it does what it suppose to. 8)
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Bulldog wrote:
i noticed when typing.. it lags the letters out. or maybe its because i type kinda quick

Can you explain some more? What do you mean when you say it lags the letters out? My GF told me the tool runs slower on her laptop but that is to be expected since it has lower specs than my desktop and she has slower net.

That said, I only tested it on my desktop which has an i7, 23gb of ram and an ssd available. So I would be interested to hear how it performs on lower end hardware and network connections.
Posted 9 years ago
ahh. that might be why then. im currently using windows vista 32bit. AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-60
a HP Pavilion notebook. my comp is old aswel. everything works fine with-in the programe. the only part that lags is when u typing in the avatars name. after that everything pops up pretty fast. i could be wrong. but it seems like the (intellisense is what i call it.) part is lagging the search function a lil. then again not to sure. might need few other pple to test this aswel. and get the feed back.
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Bulldog wrote:
ahh. that might be why then. im currently using windows vista 32bit.

No offense but I am sorry to hear that, especially the 32bit part. Since that means you can't have more than 4gb of ram installed and Vista is known to be a ram hog. I'd install Win7 on it personally.

Bulldog wrote:
only part that lags is when u typing in the avatars name. after that everything pops up pretty fast. i could be wrong. but it seems like the (intellisense is what i call it.) part is lagging the search function a lil

Not sure what you mean about intellisense, the only intellisense I know of is part of visual studio and helps auto suggest code as you type. As for the lagging, you're probably experiencing the same issue my GF was. She said it was a little slower to display on her machine.
Posted 9 years ago
Indeed intellisense is a feature in Visual studio. i was really reffering to the autocomplete feature u have in the tool. i guess autocomplete is a better term to use.
no worries. no offense taken. windows vista ive been using for a while. kinda got settled in. even thought its a pain in the ass. ive also used win7 befor & its cool. iknow i should update to windows 7. i dont know alot about un-installing and installing OS systems. i could always read up on it. and learn how. should not be hard to do. but aslo ill have to get the windows7 cd. right?. that would be another issue.

ill consider it. but ill ask this question ive had for a while. reguarding win7. whats the big deal about switching to win7 from vista?. what types of things will change or improve? if i install win7. or is it just one of them things chosen by the users preference. only thing i could really see diff in win7 than vista is the interface changed. & win7 probly has more support.

One thing i can say forsure. i need a new computer period. :\
Posted 9 years ago · Author
Bulldog wrote:
i was really reffering to the autocomplete feature u have in the tool

I put an autocomplete feature in the tool??!?!

Bulldog wrote:
but aslo ill have to get the windows7 cd. whats the big deal about switching to win7 from vista?

You could burn a bootable Windows install disc or make a bootable flash drive. And the big deal is you'll get better performance from your machine. Here's an article that links to some resources if you're interested: ... -windows-7

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