kingminoas wrote:Why the older products don't work anymore? I submit an older product but it didn't pass although was PRB. Can Somebody explain me that? I am willing take part in the testing too. Thanks all.
75% of the old 1.0 PRB's which we use to sell stopped working because of a new IMVU security system known as "mesh detection". Mesh detection is sort of like an anti-virus, but instead of scanning a product for virus files, it scans the product for known UFI sex files. Most of our members have dubbed the term "black listed files" to describe files that are registered within mesh detection. If the product contains a file that has been black listed, then IMVU staff automatically catch the product as soon as it enters the IMVU catalog, even if it passed peer review.
The new PRB 2.0 system will get around this.
IMVU staff started using mesh detection against UFI sex products around July of last year and have been slowly black listing more and more files. This is why our catalog shrank from a couple thousand products to just a little over a hundred products over the past year. We actually have thousands of sex products, we just can't sell most of them anymore because they instantly get caught by mesh detection after passing peer review.
The new PRB 2.0 system will fix and bring back our thousands of older sex products.
At the same time, we will be releasing our old 1.0 system to the public. The old 1.0 system still works on AP products, for passing non-sex AP products through peer review as GA products. This will keep IMVU staff too busy fighting AP products rated GA for them to fuck with our new 2.0 system protecting UFI sex products.