Homepage Blocker

by DataMine · 13 posts
10 years ago in General
Posted 10 years ago · Author
This basic script will prevent specified users from viewing your homepage. It's not bulletproof, there are ways around it, but for your average IMVU user, this should be just fine.

//IMVU Block Script by D.M v1.0
//Prevent specified users from viewing your homepage

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
      if(window.IMVU.data.customerID == 0)
         //Hide the avatar-homepage content
         document.getElementById("avatar-homepage").style.visibility = 'hidden';
         var array_bcids = ["CID","CID","CID"];
         if(array_bcids.indexOf(window.IMVU.data.customerID.toString()) != -1)
            //Hide the avatar-homepage content
            document.getElementById("avatar-homepage").style.visibility = 'hidden';

To use this script, replace "CID" in this line:
var array_bcids = ["CID","CID","CID"];
with any customer id of any account you want to block. To find out someone's CID, you can use our avatar link generator which will tell you their cid under their "here for" section.

Posted 10 years ago
Oh that is a great idea DM :D
Posted 8 years ago
Hi D.M. Where should we paste the script?
Posted 8 years ago · Author
kingminoas wrote:
Hi D.M. Where should we paste the script?

Place it inside the custom html section of one of your homepage panels.
Posted 8 years ago
D.M wrote:
kingminoas wrote:Hi D.M. Where should we paste the script?Place it inside the custom html section of one of your homepage panels.

Thank you so much D.M. You are so helpful!
Posted 8 years ago
Nice..thanks for your work.
I do have a couple questions...

1. Its not bulletproof? how do you get around this script?
2. The link to the tools page...do you need to have a website to use any of those items?
Posted 8 years ago
..cant you just use the setting in the account page that makes your homepage private...?
Posted 8 years ago · Author
Sita wrote:
Nice..thanks for your work.
I do have a couple questions...1. Its not bulletproof? how do you get around this script?
2. The link to the tools page...do you need to have a website to use any of those items?

No, it's not bulletproof, you can block javascript and no, you don't need a website to use any of those items.

Exploit wrote:
..cant you just use the setting in the account page that makes your homepage private...?

No, that would make your profile private to everyone, this only prevent certain cids from viewing it.
Posted 8 years ago
okay. thank you.

ive tried to run the isbuddy and this is the return i get..."Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you continue ..the application will ignore the error and attempt to continue. if you quit..the application will close immediately. Method not found int32 System.Environment.get_currentManagedThreadld()"

help with this error please?

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