[Tutorial] Adding a Custom Pose To Your Sketchup Model

by DataMine · 11 posts
13 years ago in Sketchup
Posted 13 years ago · Author
- Making a pose

Poses cannot be made in SketchUp, But there are way of using poses in your SketchUp creations and there is a couple FREE pose tools made such as the one by BorisTheEngineer and Deliverance, So give them some respect when you see them around will you :)

- Adding your pose to your scene

Ok assuming you have your pose hears what you do to add the custom pose into the scene.
In SketchUp find where you want the pose to be, place a normal seating node in there, for example Seat32 and this time instead of putting Seat32.sitting your going to put the name of your pose instead of .sitting. In my example I just use .Test
So my seat name in sketchup reads Seat32.Test
Save and export it as per usual and load it into your previewer as per normal. Now in the actions tab click add. Where it says Trigger change it to stance.[PoseName] replacing [PoseName] with what you named your pose, in my case its Test. So it will read stance.Test . Now use these settings.

# ensembles played: 0
you may sometimes want to disable gaze also to stop the avi's head from turning in awkward ways

Once that's done where it says Skeletal Animation click brows and go load your XAF pose file (and if you have one your XPF face position in the box below that) click apply and it should be done, below are the settings I used and the first pose I made.


That's all there is too it.

**Note: This tutorial was copied from Neo1471 but edited & added to by me.**
Posted 9 years ago
thanks for you :)
Posted 7 years ago
The link is dead but thank you for sharing .I found some great tutorials on youtube.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
biffbig1 wrote:
The link is dead but thank you for sharing .I found some great tutorials on youtube.

Thank you, I have removed the link. Please share the tutorials you've found.
Posted 7 years ago
Once you have the general idea of how-to add a new mesh to an existing pose, it is not hard and the idea can be transposed to other projects.

Start with something easy. Let's say you find a derivable Couple Kissing Pose Set (furniture) in the catalog and you think it is great! The only problem is your Face is inside your partner's face. The choices are to change heads or fix the mesh. Let's fix the mesh.

Make a furniture with two standing spots facing each other. Place them an approximate distance apart that look "good" by looking at the original set. Use the Guide given below and set your triggers, etc. Use the existing pose by clicking the Drop Down Arrow Box and pick the correct .XAF file. Just reuse thier file, is all we are doing.. LOL


Once you have it "working" you can edit the placement of the standing spots by rotating them or gently sliding them around. Trail and error will get your face out of your partner's face - LOL


-- Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:31 pm --

Xhynrae wrote:
Here is also a tutorial to adding a mesh to an already made pose.http:BROKEN LINK.html

Once you have the general idea of how-to add a new mesh to an existing pose, it is not hard and the idea can be transposed to other projects.

Start with something easy. Let's say you find a derivable Couple Kissing Pose Set (furniture) in the catalog and you think it is great! The only problem is your Face is inside your partner's face. The choices are to change heads or fix the mesh. Let's fix the mesh.

Make a furniture with two standing spots facing each other. Place them an approximate distance apart that look "good" by looking at the original set. Use the Guide given below and set your triggers, etc. Use the existing pose by clicking the Drop Down Arrow Box and pick the correct .XAF file. Just reuse thier file, is all we are doing.. LOL


Posted 6 years ago
kywix bakti wrote:
Xhynrae wrote:Here is also a tutorial to adding a mesh to an already made pose.http://www.temptii.com/addmeshtopose.htmlthis file not found-- Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:35 pm --thank for your information

Yes, Sadly no longer avail, but did find vid tutorial how to add custom poses to Sketchup. Am sure can be utilized for other 3d modeling software using same principles.


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