Link Fader

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 8 posts
15 years ago in General
Posted 15 years ago · Author
I love this code.

* File    : JSFX_LinkFader.js  ©
* Created : 2002/09/05
* Author  : Roy Whittle  (
* Purpose : To create a more dynamic a:hover using fading
* History
* Date         Version        Description
* 2002-09-05   1.0      First version
/*** Create some global variables ***/
if(!window.JSFX)JSFX=new Object();

var LinkFadeInStep=20;
var LinkFadeOutStep=5;
var LinkEndColor="FF0000"

var LinkStartColor="FFFFFF";
var LinkFadeRunning=false;

document.onmouseover = theOnOver;
document.onmouseout  = theOnOut;
    document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);

* Function    : getColor
* Parameters  :   start - the start color (in the form "RRGGBB" e.g. "FF00AC")
*         end - the end color (in the form "RRGGBB" e.g. "FF00AC")
*         percent - the percent (0-100) of the fade between start & end
* returns     : color in the form "#RRGGBB" e.g. "#FA13CE"
* Description : This is a utility function. Given a start and end color and
*          a percentage fade it returns a color in between the 2 colors
* Author     :
function hex2dec(hex){return(parseInt(hex,16));}
function dec2hex(dec){return (dec < 16 ? "0" : "") + dec.toString(16);}
function getColor(start, end, percent)

   var r1=hex2dec(start.slice(0,2));
   var g1=hex2dec(start.slice(2,4));
   var b1=hex2dec(start.slice(4,6));

   var r2=hex2dec(end.slice(0,2));
   var g2=hex2dec(end.slice(2,4));
   var b2=hex2dec(end.slice(4,6));

   var pc=percent/100;

   var r=Math.floor(r1+(pc*(r2-r1)) + .5);
   var g=Math.floor(g1+(pc*(g2-g1)) + .5);
   var b=Math.floor(b1+(pc*(b2-b1)) + .5);

   return("#" + dec2hex(r) + dec2hex(g) + dec2hex(b));
JSFX.getCurrentElementColor = function(el)
   var result = LinkStartColor;

   if (el.currentStyle)
      result = (el.currentStyle.color);
   else if (document.defaultView)
      result = (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,'').getPropertyValue('color'));
   else if( //Opera
      result =;

   if(result.charAt(0) == "#")      //color is of type #rrggbb
      result = result.slice(1, 8);
   else if(result.charAt(0) == "r") //color is of type rgb(r, g, b)
      var v1 = result.slice(result.indexOf("(")+1, result.indexOf(")") );
      var v2 = v1.split(",");
      result = (dec2hex(parseInt(v2[0])) + dec2hex(parseInt(v2[1])) + dec2hex(parseInt(v2[2])));

   return result;
JSFX.findTagIE = function(el)
      while (el && el.tagName != 'A')
            el = el.parentElement;
JSFX.findTagNS= function(el)
      while (el && el.nodeName != 'A')
            el = el.parentNode;
function theOnOver(e)
   var lnk;

JSFX.linkFadeUp = function(lnk)
   if(lnk.state == null)
      lnk.state = "OFF";
      lnk.index = 0;
      lnk.startColor = JSFX.getCurrentElementColor(lnk);
      lnk.endColor = LinkEndColor;

   if(lnk.state == "OFF")
      lnk.state = "FADE_UP";
   else if( lnk.state == "FADE_UP_DOWN"
      || lnk.state == "FADE_DOWN")
      lnk.state = "FADE_UP";
function theOnOut(e)
   var lnk;

JSFX.linkFadeDown = function(lnk)
   else if(lnk.state == "FADE_UP")
JSFX.startLinkFader = function()
* Function    : LinkFadeAnimation
* Description : This function is based on the Animate function
*              of animate.js (animated rollovers).
*              Each fade object has a state. This function
*              modifies each object and changes its state.
JSFX.LinkFadeAnimation = function()
   LinkFadeRunning = false;
   for(i=0 ; i<document> 100)
               lnk.index = 100;
  , lnk.endColor, lnk.index);

            if(lnk.index == 100)
               LinkFadeRunning = true;
         else if(lnk.state == "FADE_UP_DOWN")
               lnk.index = 100;
  , lnk.endColor, lnk.index);

            if(lnk.index == 100)
            LinkFadeRunning = true;
         else if(lnk.state == "FADE_DOWN")
               lnk.index = 0;
  , lnk.endColor, lnk.index);
            if(lnk.index == 0)
               LinkFadeRunning = true;
   /*** Check to see if we need to animate any more frames. ***/
      setTimeout("JSFX.LinkFadeAnimation()", 40);
Posted 15 years ago
if this is code that make panels shady and when u move mouse over they get brighter then i love code and u
Posted 15 years ago
My guess is that it fades the panels, when we roll the mouse over them, the panels highlight.
Posted 15 years ago
we need to create a code that only applies to imvu mafia members... like only we can c the pages :twisted:
Posted 15 years ago
i dont believe we could make something that will only allow mafia members ... hmm cos visitor when he comes he only brings some date .. like his ID ... name ... nothing more .. if he would bring group name he is in .. we could select them that way and only one who belong to some group we let see some stuff ..

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