IMVU Account Disabled.

by DeliciousDank · 17 posts
7 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 7 years ago
Hmm must depend on what rep you talk with. I called the billing number once for help and they helped me, but it wasn't for a disabled account.
Posted 6 years ago
If you search up for the word BDSM when you browse for chatroom you're not gonna find any room unless you're an AP because, BDSM is related to Access Pass on IMVU and that's a violation to their terms and also there are kids who are playing in the adult section of IMVU, they made the access pass thingy so they can finally isilate kids from adults, because kids can't buy AP because they don't have money, it's easy
Posted 6 years ago
is it too late for me to add two sents?
Posted 6 years ago
@Dudeimmkeyy No, it is not too late. As long as the topic is not closed you can post on it. Go ahead and add your 2 cents!

~ Kari :katheart4:
Posted 6 years ago
i think its just plain wrong to ban a person before a warning.
clearly imvu was wrong in the first place for allowing the name to be registered.

better would have been a message or mail, stating the name is inappropriate and giving a name change token to fix it.
Posted 6 years ago
IMVU Support has clearly gone downhill. Back in 2010 I was working as a computer administrator so I chose the IMVU name AdminGuy. Months later, IMVU reacted in a perfectly normal fashion explaining to me in a message that they didn't want me to use that name since it might make other users think I worked for IMVU in some kind of admin capacity, etc. etc. and they offered me a free name change token and gave me a week to decide on a new name. Easy and done. Could have been the same in this case without all the drama. smh.
Posted 6 years ago
Its wild that IMVU had the name "BDSM" up for sale to begin with.

How idiotic are they to be selling that name themselves and then banning a person for it later. LMAO

I'm guessing they probably randomize the shorter names since there's some really bizarre ones like "XJ34" for sale, and never really looked over them until you got reported for the name.

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