Sorry I havent been here much

by NaughtySin269 · 13 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Sorry I havent been on much. I have been busy with kids getting back to school and trying to get my car fixed. Oh yeah and being depressed over a dumb guy. But Im a lil better. So hopefully nothing else will stop me for now. Hope you all missed me. LMAO
Posted 15 years ago
Yes, General Free Credits did miss you.

wheres the nakid girl wit the tape on her tits

Oh, and of course I did too. \:D/
Posted 15 years ago
NaughtySin269 wrote:
Sorry I havent been on much. I have been busy with kids getting back to school and trying to get my car fixed. Oh yeah and being depressed over a dumb guy. But Im a lil better. So hopefully nothing else will stop me for now. Hope you all missed me. LMAO

*Gives Sin a big hug*
Don't get sad because of a dumb guy! A guy that makes a woman cry is no man at all. Give him a shinny boot in his ass!
I think you're someone that suffered a bit in life, but that you never gave up.
Posted 15 years ago · Author
Nice to see my boobie tape was missed...hmmm..maybe i should post a new pic of me with boobie tape and fishnet...but who really wants to see that, lol.

And Im beginning to think that 80% of guys suck. I want to know where the 20% that dont suck hide at. I need to hang out there. lol.
Posted 15 years ago
So you are not hanging around there at the moment? :shock:
Posted 15 years ago · Author
I might be... lol
Posted 15 years ago
80% of the guys suck and 20% are good?
I would say that 100% suck at something, there is no such thing as the perfect the guy. Every relationship have its up and downs, we just need to deal with the downs and party with the ups. Only problem is that people nowdays have hardly the bare bones to hang on at something for the whole life...
But even if something goes wrong, we need to enjoy the happy moments we had with that person and learn with our mistakes. Nothing lasts forever anyway. We need to let go sometimes and also let go our selfs too. There is billions of people out there and life is to short, just enjoy it.
Posted 15 years ago
cos said no perfect guy its cos there is no perfect woman .. hahaah soo big BLAH for that ..
i am in 80% that suck stuff guys :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Posted 15 years ago
YAY!!!! :razz: :razz: MY IDOL IS BACK!!!! *Drops down on to his kness and watches the Rocking Duchess Sin passing* :razz: :razz: So happy to hear your are safe and sound, it's lovely to see Band is all together..


And our Love Guru Fallen; I secretly and so proudly following you on your intellectual path..Even a line of what you reccomended could be the formula of happiness..The knowledge and the wisdom of your thoughts are well accepted, I salute and thanking you for sharing..

Back to my place on my knees, MAANNN!!! Dear Sin, too bad you had what most of us having and will have :( :? ..This place recovers me quick and hoping we will be the shoulder you may need to lean..Just send an owl anytime you need anything, we'll be there (even virtually) in no time..

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