Don Von Trolls a Phishing Scammer ... with IMVU sex products

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 35 posts
7 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Alright, so someone invited me to a chat today and tired to phish my account. They sent me a link to a fake IMVU login page and asked me to login, so they could steal my password. This is the chat log.

Warning: My account name has been changed in the chat log bellow for privacy and security. The name of the scammer has not been changed.

[Cute tan tatooed girl invites me into a default IMVU room]

Guest_iFza3 has joined the chat
DonVonAlphaDom: Good afternoon.
Guest_iFza3: wlc
Guest_iFza3: hey :)
DonVonAlphaDom: My name is Don.
DonVonAlphaDom: What might your name be?
Guest_iFza3: sleena
DonVonAlphaDom: What's going on Sleena? How are you today?
Guest_iFza3: im fine and you
DonVonAlphaDom: Wonderful, very happy.
DonVonAlphaDom: To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you Sleena?
Guest_iFza3: i need like for my pic :)
DonVonAlphaDom: A picture on photostream?
Guest_iFza3: yup my pic link :) [Link To IMVU Phishing Website]
DonVonAlphaDom: Why is your pic on an Indian furniture store website?
Guest_iFza3: imvu next pic
Guest_iFza3: understand ?
DonVonAlphaDom: The link you sent me is not for IMVU next.
DonVonAlphaDom : You sent me a link to an Indian furniture store.
Guest_iFza3 : no u must login
DonVonAlphaDom : Log in to an Indian furniture store to like an IMVU next picture?
Guest_iFza3 : login and u will sea what i mean
DonVonAlphaDom : Your IMVU next photostream picture's link will have an imvu domain.
DonVonAlphaDom: I need the real link.
Guest_iFza3: this a real link Don
Guest_iFza3: [Link To IMVU Phishing Website]
[the link is to an Indian (.in) domain not IMVU related; I whois the domain and it is for a furniture store in India, but someone has h4c|<7d it and turned it into an IMVU phishing site; looks like a cheap knock off of the IMVU login page]
Guest_iFza3: log and u will sea what i mean
DonVonAlphaDom: You are giving me the wrong link. Click on it.
DonVonAlphaDom: That is for an Indian furniture store.
DonVonAlphaDom: It just takes you to a furniture store.
DonVonAlphaDom: It wants me to buy furniture.
Guest_iFza3: u must login in this link to see my pic
Guest_iFza3: [Link To IMVU Phishing Website]
Guest_iFza3: login in this link Don
DonVonAlphaDom: I do not have an account for that furniture store.
Guest_iFza3: Don
Guest_iFza3: login ur acc imvu
DonVonAlphaDom: I live in the US. Why would I have an account for an Indian furniture store?
Guest_iFza3: this is adc
DonVonAlphaDom: I am logged into my IMVU account. How else would I be chatting to you right now?
Guest_iFza3: look login in my link after this u will see me pic give like and log out
DonVonAlphaDom: Login using what? I do not have an account for that store.
Guest_iFza3: login ur acc imvu Don !
Guest_iFza3: login ur acc imvu in this link store
DonVonAlphaDom: I am logged into my IMVU account. How would I be talking to you right now if I was not logged into IMVU?
Guest_iFza3: u will see
DonVonAlphaDom: IMVU accounts do not work for furniture stores
DonVonAlphaDom : You need a furniture store account to log into a furniture store
DonVonAlphaDom: That is how accounts work
Guest_iFza3: Don login ur acc imvu here [Link To IMVU Phishing Website]
Guest_iFza3: or u didnt want give me like to my pic ? :(
DonVonAlphaDom: But that is not the IMVU website. IMVU accounts only log into IMVU, not into Indian furniture stores.
DonVonAlphaDom: Your IMVU pic is not on an Indian furniture store.
DonVonAlphaDom: That website just has pictures of furniture.
Guest_iFza3: no in this link
Guest_iFza3: login and you will see Don
DonVonAlphaDom: It is very nice furniture. Do you sell this furniture?
Guest_iFza3: Don u didnt give me alike ? :(
DonVonAlphaDom: Which furniture do you want me to like?
DonVonAlphaDom: Do you wanna have sex?
DonVonAlphaDom: I'd do you on that furniture.
DonVonAlphaDom: Come sit on my lap.
DonVonAlphaDom has changed the room to: IMVU Mafias Sex Room
DonVonAlphaDom: You'll like this room better.
DonVonAlphaDom: We will take a nice picture of you with your clothes off, and I will like that picture.
Guest_iFza3: Don thx :(
DonVonAlphaDom: No problem babe.
Guest_iFza3: i dont need ur like :(
DonVonAlphaDom: Come lay on my bed.
DonVonAlphaDom: If you give me a good lick, I'll log into your furniture store.
Guest_iFza3: Don
Guest_iFza3: this site from my real pic
Guest_iFza3: i want like to get a credits
Guest_iFza3: to buy a look
DonVonAlphaDom: Sleena, shhh, be a good girl.
DonVonAlphaDom: Take your clothes off and daddy will buy you a new outfit.
[At this point, I am in a pose humping the air in front of her on the bed]
Guest_iFza3: no bye bye ! Thx
Guest_iFza3 has left the chat

[she leaves the chat, so I wait a few minutes and invite her back into one of my black market sex rooms]

Guest_iFza3 has joined the chat
DonVonAlphaDom: Sup?
Guest_iFza3: what ? !
DonVonAlphaDom: You are cute when you are mad.
DonVonAlphaDom: Give me that furniture store link again.
Guest_iFza3: okay :)
Guest_iFza3: [Link to IMVU Phishing site]
DonVonAlphaDom: Thanks. I'm going to buy me some furniture.
Guest_iFza3: okay :) Thx
DonVonAlphaDom: Which of these furniture do you want to have sex on?
Guest_iFza3: when you buy
Guest_iFza3: and login in this link
Guest_iFza3: i will talk to you
DonVonAlphaDom: You don't need to talk. Just take your clothes off, get down on your knees, and open your mouth wide.
Guest_iFza3: i will do it after ur like on my pic
DonVonAlphaDom: No, that's not how it works little girl. If you want me to do this for you, you have to do something for me first.
Guest_iFza3: look
Guest_iFza3: u must open ur acc imvu in this site
DonVonAlphaDom: Shhhh. Just do as I say and you will like it. ;)
Guest_iFza3: and u will understand what i mean !
Guest_iFza3: i will leave agine :(
DonVonAlphaDom: No, because if you leave, you will never get me to login and like your pic.
Guest_iFza3: oky like my pic
DonVonAlphaDom: That's a good girl. Get on this chair while I like it.
[I move to a standing / humping position on an anal chair]
Guest_iFza3: give my alike first
Guest_iFza3: when u give me like i will came a credits
DonVonAlpha: I'll like it while you sit on my chair.
Guest_iFza3: im here
DonVonAlphaDom: Over here.
Guest_iFza3: now u will give alike or leave ? !
DonVonAlphaDom: On my anal chair, on your knees while I login and like it.
Guest_iFza3: look i havent any look
Guest_iFza3: i need this like to buy a look
DonVonAlphaDom: I'm so close to logging in. Do you want it?
Guest_iFza3: i want u to login in a link
DonVonAlphaDom: Good girl, you want it so bad. I'm going to give it to you.
Guest_iFza3: okay thx :)
DonVonAlphaDom: Come over here and show daddy how bad you want it.
[I move into a new sex pose. At this point, I am see how many sex poses I can get her into before she figures out she is not stealing my account.]
Guest_iFza3: like first
Guest_iFza3: i want buy a look
DonVonAlphaDom: Come over here, I'll give you the best look of your life.
Guest_iFza3: u give me like or not ?!!!!!!
DonVonAlphaDom: I'm going to, as soon as you come over here and give daddy a ride like a good little minx.
Guest_iFza3: no
Guest_iFza3: like first !
Guest_iFza3: or leave
[Puts on my largest blackest big jhonny trigger dick, dick fully errect.]
DonVonAlphaDom: Look at this BIG surprise I have for you between my legs.
DonVonAlphaDom: Do you see it?
DonVonAlphaDom: Come over and give me a lick Sleena.
Guest_iFza3: bye

[She leaves the chat. I wait a few minutes and invite her back into another of my black market sex rooms.]

Guest_iFza3 has joined the chat
Guest_iFza3: what ?!!!`1
DonVonAlphaDom: You still want me to login and like your pic.
Guest_iFza3: yes
DonVonAlphaDom: Give me that link.
Guest_iFza3: [Link to IMVU Phishing site]
Guest_iFza3: this
Guest_iFza3: is
Guest_iFza3: link
DonVonAlphaDom: Now say you are sorry for leaving the last two chats.
Guest_iFza3: np
DonVonAlphaDom: I'm listening Sleena.
Guest_iFza3: u didnt login in my link !
Guest_iFza3: ok
Guest_iFza3: i love sleen
DonVonAlphaDom: I'm listening for you to say you are sorry.
Guest_iFza3: im sorry -.-
DonVonAlphaDom: Now lay on the punishment bed.
[She gets into another sex pose with me on the bed.]
Guest_iFza3: where my like ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DonVonAlphaDom: You like that don't you?
DonVonAlphaDom: Don't answer.
Guest_iFza3: bye bye ! dont inv my agine

[She leaves a third time and blocks me.]
I have successfully wasted an hour of her time, getting fucked in an IMVU Mafias black market sex room instead of stealing accounts. Got her in every hole, total of 3 positions.
Posted 7 years ago
omg wow. xD you bad. so bad! lmao! I have had people like that come to me like that asking me to log in and so something like vote and crap and it is like uh no I know what you're up to. So I literally play along like, it won't let me! and stuff like that even when I didn't log into their scam at all. XD
Posted 7 years ago
OH MY GAWD DON, TOO FUNNY!!!....You are such a pro at messing with phish scammers and people....It is hilarious!....I have had a very few, that I messed with. But nothing like you just did.....LMAO, you are GREAT at it, besides getting free SEX!....I am LAUGING SO HARD tears are running down my face :awesome28: ....YOU DA MAN!!! XD

Oooh, I was so engrossed in reading the dialogue I forget it was A WARNING!!!....Thank you very much for letting us know about the SCAM, a good read and giving me the best LAUGH for the day!
Posted 7 years ago
LMAO Don! Good work! Maybe she'll think twice about it next time, sadly they never learn xD

Its amazing the lengths that she went through just to try to get you to log in, they are really relentless its freaking sad lol. She actually got into sex poses, degrading herself just to try to get you to do it xD epic.
Posted 7 years ago
Wow idk that, very dangerous spot
Posted 7 years ago
lol poor phiser xD
she must be pissed off till death cuz that.
but good point to troll them, i never did that, i just flag and left, i will try to troll next time
Posted 7 years ago
Haha wow....

I'm amazed she excepted your invite at all, lol. They must be really desperate.
Posted 7 years ago
Lmao nicely done. You cracked me up :awesome40:
Posted 7 years ago
D.M wrote:
Haha wow....I'm amazed she excepted your invite at all, lol. They must be really desperate.

Ikr thats crazy xD
Posted 7 years ago
I was under the impression that the Phisher was male at first. Oops.

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