need new clothes for imvu?

by beccaboo26 · 7 posts
14 years ago in Introductions
Posted 14 years ago · Author
go to the product page of the item you want. copy the product id number at the end of the url. go to text chat in an chat room and type in *tryOnOutfit then add the number you copied with a space between it and *tryOnOutfit. then get a product id for an avatar and paste it after that with a space between it and the rest of the code. this will let you wear the product you want, but your avatar will only have that item on. you can add clothes from your inventory without it removing the new item or you can add more codes for an entire outfit. id numbers do not have to be in a certain order but must have a space between the group of numbers for each product. this is does not let you own the products so you have to reenter the code each time you enter a new room. an easy way to not have to retype a code that could get very long, is to type it only once onto a word document. then you can just copy and paste it from there when you need it. for an example to try out youself, copy the following code and paste it into your text box and press enter: *tryOnOutfit 5450569 5183736 2026265 5513516 5513539 5513553 4315402 3812802 4212807 3019850 4671475 3426186 1396058 3783818 14580 5640104 2584823 4815033 4194565 891379
Posted 14 years ago
welcome to the mafia!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 14 years ago · Author
this no longer works!!! The newest version of imvu has made it to where this method will not submit!! anbody know why or how to fix it? did they change the code somehow?? answer if you know please.. i have several codes for no purpose now :(
Posted 14 years ago
Yeah they did stop that method from working but i know imvu all they did was change the *tryonoufit part into something else. Test out new methods people and if you find one tell us. ok ^.^
Posted 7 years ago
Would have been great if someone had found a new method to this old trick..... :(
Posted 7 years ago
Wow i did not know about this but sounds like somthing to look into. I love a good cat and mouse game.

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