What You would prefer?

by Celodrix · 41 posts
7 years ago in Social Games
Posted 7 years ago
Would you rather be:
A) Deadly underweight
B) Deadly overweight
C) There's no third option, fool!
Posted 7 years ago
B) Deadly overweight

What You would prefer?

A: Diet Dr pepper

B: Diet mountain dew

C: diet is nasty!
Posted 7 years ago
B: Diet Mountain Dew

Would you prefer:

A) to be pooped on by pigeons

B) to sit in fresh dog poop

C) to step in chicken poop barefooted
Posted 7 years ago
C) Step in chicken poop. I stand on my dog's poop too much. :-x

Would you rather;

A) Give a blowjob.
B) Receive a blowjob.
C) Ball succ.
Feeling frisky.
Posted 7 years ago
A) Give a blowjob.

I think any game at some point turns x-rated xD

A)Kiss someone you just met.
B)Be with someone you can't get.
C)Hug someone that too far away.
Posted 7 years ago
NekaLion wrote:
I think any game at some point turns x-rated

C)Hug someone that too far away.

What would You prefer?
A: A good looking filty rich man?
B: A Good looking dieing man?
C: A Good looking Boy who just turn 18 but had a very rough childhood and is homeless?
Posted 7 years ago
A) A good looking filthy rich man.

Would you rather
A) Only look at bad memes
B) Only make bad memes
C) Never look at memes again
Posted 7 years ago
A) Only look at bad memes

What You would prefer?




Posted 7 years ago
C: A walk on the Beach

What You would prefer?
A: hats
B: underwear
C: Shoes
D: Liquor

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