""Abouts girl" what i believe about them

by Emperor · 16 posts
7 years ago in AP Lounge
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Girl keep through hell by pregrancy, periods, sex , Shaving
U think its pleasure about for girl sex for first time no it hurt them do u think period are nasty no they normal
If they pregrant show them love

1. monthly cycle
[u]when girl is having cramp and going to struggle dont do anything stupid dont make them feel uncomfortable and dont give the them reason to hate you.Important part if they do accident on bed like blood stain gently kiss her say hun go shower u made mess on bed than u take sheets and wash them before u do that make sure shower is ready and make her breakfast do they dont feel shame :key to make her feel comfortable:

2. pregrant dont get her pregrant if you aint gonna stick with her and plus u need to show her love and affection dont bring baby to world if u cant support them i dont agree on abortation or adoption make her feel comfortable and tell her beautiful in her shoes

3.Sex,Shaving who care they dont shave its still going in same place when it first time u feel good dont u But they just pop there cherry she bloody ur gonna say eww that normal and there gonna be pain dont judge them

Key to make woman feel comfortable Dont Ever Judge Them

What do u think do u agree dont disagree?
Posted 7 years ago
1. Get her on the right birth control ... she will only have her monthly cycle a couple of times per year. Those couple of times per year, I like to draw up my girl a hot bath, give her a massage, and fuck her silly in the shower if she wants it. Depends on the girl. I have had some partners who get extremely horny when it is their time of the month. I have also been with girls who get sickly ill during their time of the month and feel sicker if they try to have sex.

2. Make sure you are both using birth control. Personally, I think every man should be snipped at birth. Reversing a vasectomy costs about $1,500. If you can not afford $1,500 then you are not ready to support a child anyways and you should not be having one.

3. Most girls want me to lick their pussy ... which I am more than happy to do, but I do not like choking on hair. I only give oral if they are shaved or very well trimmed. I do not care if they feel shamed by me not wanting hair in my mouth. If a girl with a hairy pussy insists on me licking her bushy cherry pie ... I will hold her down and shave her myself ... then give her a spanking. In my experience, she typically keeps it shaved after that.
Posted 7 years ago
LoyalRespect wrote:
Girl keep through hell by pregrancy, periods, sex , Shaving
U think its pleasure about for girl sex for first time no it hurt them do u think period are nasty no they normalIf they pregrant show them loveSuggestion
1. monthly cycle
[u]when girl is having cramp and going to struggle dont do anything stupid dont make them feel uncomfortable and dont give the them reason to hate you.Important part if they do accident on bed like blood stain gently kiss her say hun go shower u made mess on bed than u take sheets and wash them before u do that make sure shower is ready and make her breakfast do they dont feel shame :key to make her feel comfortable:2. pregrant dont get her pregrant if you aint gonna stick with her and plus u need to show her love and affection dont bring baby to world if u cant support them i dont agree on abortation or adoption make her feel comfortable and tell her beautiful in her shoes3.Sex,Shaving who care they dont shave its still going in same place when it first time u feel good dont u But they just pop there cherry she bloody ur gonna say eww that normal and there gonna be pain dont judge themKey to make woman feel comfortable Dont Ever Judge ThemWhat do u think do u agree dont disagree?

@ Loyal/Respect, well as a female, I empathically agree with you! Where were men like you when I was with jerks? A lot of women would die to have that kind of treatment during their menses from their mates!
Posted 7 years ago
I agree with you, on most points. I also agree with Don as well on most points.

Please wrap it up, or get snipped if you not prepared to take care of a child. Not all women can use birth control, and getting snipped is less for men, than a woman getting her tubes tied, clipped or burnt, some have to get all three and its surgery.

Personally I hate hair, I love being hairless. :kat_emoji12:
Posted 7 years ago
I agree just like NekaLion said. Though personally, I do not like hair, not on the basis of "societies" concern but on my own opinion but then again I found a man that loves me when I'm hairless and hairy as well. So even with myself conscience-ness about how I look to myself and what I feel like I should look like regardless of others. It is important to love your significant other regardless of what their body was designed to do. Personally, if could, I would only have my head hair and eyebrows xD.

And just like that statement about birth control like NekaLion said, my family history of the women are shown not to accept the birth control and ends up not working at all. My uncle as a birth control baby.

Both sides should be responsible for what they choose to do and yes I highly agree that if you cannot afford to bring a child into this world, then you should not because it's not fair to the child as well as yourself and it is not up to society to help with taking care of your child when you couldn't in the first place.

And plus I mean if your down for earning your red wings, then more power to ya but I don't care how horny or crampy I get, I am not doing it while my vajayjay looks like a jar of strawberry preservatives exploded in there. xD ( your welcome for the description)
It is very important to find someone who finds you attractive with everything that you see as flaws and it's important to have someone who won't judge you and listen to you when you express what is going on with you during any time with your significant other. Communication is key with everything and if one or the other isn't willing to listen then it falls apart.

I mean quite frankly everyone is going to do whatever they want but no one can change that and it is up to the individual to make the right decision.

Posted 7 years ago
Level of horney-ness skyrockets before, during, after menstrual period. That surge of hormones rushing through a females body has to escape somehow and preferable in a cataclysmic orgasm. Helps relieve cramps. There's options. Take advantage of this time and earn your red wings, have an escapade in the shower, or do her in the ass.
Posted 7 years ago
MizzKitty wrote:
I am not doing it while my vajayjay looks like a jar of strawberry preservatives exploded in there. ( your welcome for the description)

Dude I'm so done with you lollll :kat_emoji1: :kat_emoji6:
Posted 7 years ago
NekaLion wrote:
I agree with you, on most points. I also agree with Don as well on most points.Please wrap it up, or get snipped if you not prepared to take care of a child. Not all women can use birth control, and getting snipped is less for men, than a woman getting her tubes tied, clipped or burnt, some have to get all three and its surgery
MizzKitty wrote:
I agree just like NekaLion said. Though personally, I do not like hair, not on the basis of "societies" concern but on my own opinion but then again I found a man that loves me when I'm hairless and hairy as well. So even with myself conscience-ness about how I look to myself and what I feel like I should look like regardless of others. It is important to love your significant other regardless of what their body was designed to do. Personally, if could, I would only have my head hair and eyebrows .And just like that statement about birth control like NekaLion said, my family history of the women are shown not to accept the birth control and ends up not working at all. My uncle as a birth control baby.Both sides should be responsible for what they choose to do and yes I highly agree that if you cannot afford to bring a child into this world, then you should not because it's not fair to the child as well as yourself and it is not up to society to help with taking care of your child when you couldn't in the first place.And plus I mean if your down for earning your red wings, then more power to ya but I don't care how horny or crampy I get, I am not doing it while my vajayjay looks like a jar of strawberry preservatives exploded in there. ( your welcome for the description)
It is very important to find someone who finds you attractive with everything that you see as flaws and it's important to have someone who won't judge you and listen to you when you express what is going on with you during any time with your significant other. Communication is key with everything and if one or the other isn't willing to listen then it falls apart.I mean quite frankly everyone is going to do whatever they want but no one can change that and it is up to the individual to make the right decision.

Thank you guys for filling in what I was too tired to do! I had huge reply last night saying similar things but screwed it up and didn't feel like retyping it all LOL. Yes, I am one who also could not use pills so IUD for me. And yes I shaved too but it became a pain the ass and so damn itchy, then had no reason to do it anymore so I stopped. Besides, I have very little hair down there anyway, it is light colored and I do trim it a little lol. Looks like a pubescent teenager! OMG TMI!! oh well.....

-- Thu May 18, 2017 3:38 pm --

Xhynrae wrote:
Level of horney-ness skyrockets before, during, after menstrual period.That surge of hormones rushing through a females body has to escape somehow and preferable in a cataclysmic orgasm. Helps relieve cramps. There's options. Take advantage of this time and earn your red wings, have an escapade in the shower, or do her in the ass.

@ Xhynrae, very true, love your statement and yup it works!! :) :hehe:
Posted 7 years ago
Xhynrae wrote:
Level of horney-ness skyrockets before, during, after menstrual period.That surge of hormones rushing through a females body has to escape somehow and preferable in a cataclysmic orgasm. Helps relieve cramps. There's options. Take advantage of this time and earn your red wings, have an escapade in the shower, or do her in the ass.

I wish I could say that is true for me but I am serious depressive before menstruating and am in a "don't touch me mood". I'm most horny when menstruating. Soooo I think that makes me weird AF which I'm ok with xD

NekaLion wrote:
MizzKitty wrote: I am not doing it while my vajayjay looks like a jar of strawberry preservatives exploded in there.( your welcome for the description)
Dude I'm so done with you lollll

Ahahahahaah might as well since we talking about it xD
Posted 7 years ago
You know what I think, I think its the hormones, mixed with the fact that NOW we want what most guys wont dare touch xD Then we wanna have sex, and the guy is usually like:

Him: "Why you always horny when we cant do it?"

Me: "Don't be a pussy, earn your red wings like a man."

Skips off :panda3:

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