Homepage visitors

by sexygoddessgal · 9 posts
14 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 14 years ago · Author
I'm not sure this is in the right place, so sorry if its not...

I was wondering if there was any way to see all of the people who have visited your imvu homepage? And also is there was a way to empty it so it will start over. The high numbers or spam people visiting gets a bit annoying and makes the visitor box look ugly.
Posted 7 years ago
for see all your visitor you must be VIP on imvu. IDK if you can empty but u can hide this panel. just click on Edit panel and click on hide this panel. :kat_emoji16:
Posted 7 years ago
Actually, we wrote a script for that: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=7032&hilit=visitor+php

You need a server running Apache to use the script, but there are plenty of free php hosting services out there: https://www.google.com/search?q=free+ph ... e&ie=UTF-8
Posted 7 years ago
Wow Nice I must use it, thanks Don
Posted 7 years ago
yuppi, im using some scripts as don mentioned and put it at free server host, some hosting provider offer free hosting tho, we can use it, and now i can check all of visitor who stalkin me (my gf is the most) lol
Posted 7 years ago
GREY wrote:
yuppi, im using some scripts as don mentioned and put it at free server host, some hosting provider offer free hosting tho, we can use it, and now i can check all of visitor who stalkin me (my gf is the most) lol

Good work. We would host the scripts ourselves, but then IMVU inc would be able to find all of our members by searching HP content for the link to the script.
Posted 7 years ago
cool doesnt imvu show visitors already
Posted 7 years ago
Ekko wrote:
cool doesnt imvu show visitors already

IMVU only shows you the last 3 visitors, unless you are VIP ... and even then all they do is give you their account name. This method gives you their account name, ip address, and the time / number of times they visited.
Posted 7 years ago
Holy fuck thats some high tech shit

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