What If you have been scammed by users on this site before?

by Ekko · 7 posts
7 years ago in Mafia Market
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Posted 7 years ago
Ekko wrote:

Then report it to our staff via the contact page: contact.php

We take scamming on our market seriously and have implemented several fail safe systems to prevent scamming. When we do catch a scammer, they are dealt with harshly and actions are taken to make sure people are not scammed in that way again.

Tell us what you bought, from whom, when, and how you paid. We will look into the matter swiftly.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Okay and I also Have a question about that as well... I've rcently brought and sold something and I never recieved the payment but was told It was sent what do i do in that case
Posted 7 years ago
Ekko wrote:
Okay and I also Have a question about that as well... I've recently brought and sold something and I never received the payment but was told It was sent what do i do in that case

You should always use our billing system when selling products on our site.


Replace youremail@domain.com with your email address.

Replace #### with the centwise value equal to the price you are charging.

If you used our billing system to send them a bill, you should have received an email notification after they paid. The notification will contain their mafia account name, paypal email address, and how much they paid. If you did not receive the email notification, then you should not have sent the product.

If you did not use our billing system or if you sent the product without first receiving the payment notification, that is your own fault. Customers think they sent a payment and really they didn't on a regular basis. That is the double edged sword of using technology to sell your goods. Sometimes customers do not know how to properly use the payment processor ... and mistakenly tell you they paid when really they did not. It is your duty as a seller to check your email inbox for money received notifications from our billing system. We set up our own billing system for all sellers to use for a reason, to prevent this type of mistake from happening.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
But If I haven't recieved the payment and can prove through paypal receipts how do i go by resolving this issue
Posted 7 years ago
Ekko wrote:
But If I haven't recieved the payment and can prove through paypal receipts how do i go by resolving this issue

You don't. You accidentally sent someone a free product. The issue is that you made a mistake. No one is responsible for that except for you. In business as sellers we make mistakes, we chalk it up to experience, and we do not make the mistake a second time. Make sure you use our billing system and make sure you check for email notifications from it ... you will not make the mistake again.
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Im fine with taking the loss, but basically trying to get double the credits they have stolen from me

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