How to save credits while shopping

by DataMine · 72 posts
11 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 7 years ago
Those are a lot of good ways, i like looking up by keywords, and looking through similar products really help. Never thought about asking the dev for a discount, that's cool if you find the devs that are willing to!
Posted 7 years ago
I have used all those methods myself and all everyone saying is fact. You can save credits by those methods. Ooh and love that PRO SHOP filter DM. I have to try it! Thanks for sharing it!
Posted 7 years ago
so Golden ways, to press credit out in my balance :panda7: :panda7: save and take good product with cheap price :panda4: :panda4:
Posted 7 years ago
This is interesting. I never thought about doing anything when purchasing items - i just thought there was none xD
Posted 7 years ago
I think it all has pretty much been said and explained...If you like a item pull it up exteranlly from IMVU and look at the deviations to see if there is another that makes the same item that you like in a different color and if not and you really wish it to be the color you like then get to know a Developer and show them what it is you like and what colors you would like it and let them redesign it for you. I know if I am able to do it as I am a developer I redo it and I do not charge the person for remaking it but rather just charge them the orginal price that I paid for it with up to 200 credits more as some will mark up a item to 2k or more just to redo it and sell it to you. Now with saying as such as I am a developer also when I design or redo something to ones liking they have the choice as to let me be able to resell it in shop or to keep it where theya re the only one that has such item making it one of a kind. This cost nothing. But if it is to be sold again in shop the cost of it would go up . Alot of Devs will over charge you and make you jump through hoops to get the item that you would like but some devs like myself are willing to work with you and get you what you want as well as building a repoir and a clientele and a good reputation for quality work.

ES :katheart3:
Posted 7 years ago
I actually know a few of these tips, however each time I'm at shop I keep forgotting about them, sigh... I'll try to remember them next times though. :kat_emoji7:
Posted 7 years ago
I dont think there is a way to save
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah I did and the ask developers most devs on IMVU are very credit hungry

-- Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:09 pm --

im a creator myself and just hanging around the egotistical no lives they wont so I don't think the 4th suggestion would work
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips

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