How to Upload Black Market? (Answered)

by Corp · 66 posts
7 years ago in Mafia Market
Posted 7 years ago
Im new to this, and reading this has definately helped me out. But even at this rate, im still a little confused, im a little scared of being caught. I want to be cautious - if i havent did it before, in what way should i go around this?
Posted 7 years ago
Some may ask how can you push 20 items through and make them fast instead of well some have so many textures to work with and takes time to create one item...Simple the answer is HAIRS You can knock out 20 hairs with one texture in under 10 minutes and do it back to back...Select one hair color and have open say 5 create windows of different hair styles change the textures and submit them and while those are clearing peer review pull up 5 more and do them and so forth and so on till you have pushed 20 of them through again takes about 10 minutes to push them all through and get PR'd

ES :katheart3:
Posted 7 years ago
how long Peer Review is conducted by the Community. The time it takes for a product to clear depends on how many people are helping to vote in Peer Review at any given time. Some weeks are slower than others. If you feel your product is taking too long you could help vote. This would help cut down on wait times.

also .there CS review why thought?
The most common reason that a product is sent to Customer Service is due to voters’ skipping products. Products that stay in peer review to long with no votes can “time out”. When that happens, the product is moved out of Peer Review and sent to CS to be either put back through Peer Review or staff manually passes or fails the product. Another reason products are sent to CS review is the product failed. It takes time for CS to review the products that are sent to them. Try to be patient or fill out a help ticket. Please include the product info, how long it's been delayed and if you have resubmitted it more than once

they can also rerated many thing more . why does it take longer than people sumbiting more than one product. like new people taking forever?

this is why
''Yes, the product can still be sold/derived while awaiting votes in Peer Review as long as it's not the first time it's being reviewed. The second time it's sent to Peer review it's still visible and for sale in the catalog. However, if you changed the product and it is no longer GA it can fail Peer Review and be Re-rated. If it's still GA it should pass with no issues a second time. ''

some ap item can fail why thought?

''Please remember that voters' may fail a product due to the artwork, icon, video, banners or even the words used in the product description on the product page. UFI is not allowed in IMVU’s catty/web site. IF the product is UFI the product can be failed, flagged and re-rated. UFI=Unfit for IMVU''

but. if you need more about it ill be happy to be you more information @tigul
Posted 7 years ago
Peer review, is just 1 of the many random imvu users trying to earn 5 credit per viewed item. Review Pass, meaning your item will slip through those who have gotten more than 400-500 review average and are doing it quickly (they open item, no visible purple rave dildo? they hit okey and go). That speed's up the speed a lot up. (at least this is what i have come to understand)
Posted 7 years ago
Hi, This was working fine till mid august 2017 , but after new update into their peer review system it seems the products are not passing as it should have been

Can anyone please tell me how to upload bm products up and running??

Thank you :))
Posted 7 years ago
I made a new account and tried upload normal stuffs but it takes between 1 and 4 days to pass. I have uploaded already like 15 products and still takes a lot time. :kat_emoji20:
Posted 7 years ago
Yep, same here i made more then 20 product but the same ...Seems like its going for CS review rather then regular peer review
can anyone tell how to avoid CS Review ?
Posted 7 years ago
If you guys have Mafia VIP, we have a topic explaining what's going on with Peer Review here: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=11558
Posted 7 years ago
Im interested but I dont have Mafia VIP. How can I get it?
Well, if its posible.

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