IMVU News Update - Say Goodbye to Facebook

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 12 posts
7 years ago in Mafia News
Posted 7 years ago · Author
Overview: IMVU is removing social media login from the client. Accounts using such will be locked if they do not reset their passwords soon.

Some users on the 3D Chat Client have been using their favorite social media account (like Facebook) to login to IMVU.

This feature will be going away completely on September 27th, 2017.

As a result, such users will need to request a password change to avoid getting locked out of their IMVU account. When doing so you should have the password sent to the email associated with your account via this link:

If you have lost access to the email address connected to your IMVU account, please contact us at

Please note that users on Mobile (Android or IOS) will still be able to use Facebook to login to their accounts. This change only affects users who created accounts at for use in the downloadable 3D Chat Client.

Thank you and feel free to ask questions in this thread as needed.
9/08/2017 5:35 PM Pacific

Some clarifications per some of the comments below.

If you use social media to login to downloadable 3D Chat Client you will need to change your password per the above information in the original post. Please do so before September 27th, 2017.

If you do not use social media to login to downloadable 3D Chat Client then you can disregard this announcement. Thank you.

Some users on the 3D Chat Client have been using their favorite social media account (like Facebook) to login to IMVU.

This feature will be going away completely on September 27th, 2017.

Users who have not updated their accounts will receive this email:

"Hello (insert avatar name): You currently sign in to IMVU by using your favorite social media account (like Facebook). We've tried notifying you that this feature would be going away completely on September 27th, 2017, but it looks like you still haven't created a new password. You probably won't be able to login to your account anymore, but we can still help. Your first option is to go to the Forgotten Password page (linked to and request to have a password sent to you via email. If you have lost access to the email address connected to your IMVU account, please contact us at and we will work with you to confirm your identity and return access to your account.

Thank you,
IMVU Customer Support

Source: ... 000PJk7GAG

Discuss. How do you think this will play out? Is IMVU downgrading by removing social media logins? Or was this a dead feature no one really used? What do you think?
Posted 7 years ago
I think this is dead feature
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the heads up Don
Posted 7 years ago
I wonder if this has anything to do with the third party dealings with the media login. Like user statistics been recorded, locations and so on for those who use that to login to imvu. I have a feel partial reasons fall down to the information sales.
Posted 7 years ago
I also think it was a dead feature, almost no one uses it. "Almost no one" a small amount did use it, but this was back in the day when that was a booming thing to do for a plethora of sites. A ploy to get more people in, and it did work for people that often use it on other sites. At the time of its arrival their were alot of new members. Once the general fad of it died and people started to worry about security on their account (back when hacking attempts were being made on IMVU), I'd say the majority of them that used it, switched over to normal login. Thus making it a dead feature.

However there might also be relevance to what seppohovi is saying as well. They would not like that info getting out at all, since they like to keep people thinking that the "number of people online" are all buying members and not mostly devs lol. Good thing for them that not all devs are great and still have to buy their credits.
Posted 7 years ago
NekaLion wrote:
I also think it was a dead feature, almost no one uses it. "Almost no one" a small amount did use it, but this was back in the day when that was a booming thing to do for a plethora of sites. A ploy to get more people in, and it did work for people that often use it on other sites. At the time of its arrival their were alot of new members. Once the general fad of it died and people started to worry about security on their account (back when h4(k1n9 attempts were being made on IMVU), I'd say the majority of them that used it, switched over to normal login. Thus making it a dead feature.However there might also be relevance to what seppohovi is saying as well. They would not like that info getting out at all, since they like to keep people thinking that the "number of people online" are all buying members and not mostly devs lol. Good thing for them that not all devs are great and still have to buy their credits.

True, I never used FB for IMVU, didn't even make sense to me. Do you really want IMVU having all yo info?
Posted 7 years ago
I feel it was a dead feature as well. I never use FaceBook for any of my logins. I don't like all my information and my friends' lists available to other websites.
Posted 7 years ago
it's definitely a dead feature for imvu but it is a feature that is much present on mobile app.I know applications where the accounts are only done by the facebook connection for exemple. on imvu, the feature never find its interest.
Posted 7 years ago
Thanks for the heads up even tho the cutoff date has passed. I hardly enter or read the Community Updates and Announcements. Just a gripe that important announcements are posted there and not sent out thru direct messages.

Oh least i have you guys to keep me informed.

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