What're your pet peeves?

by Anomaly · 21 posts
7 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 7 years ago · Author
So, what are they?

Mine would have to include loud chewing, loud breathing, country music, really happy things, people excessively talking.
Posted 7 years ago
-Checks over the list...- :awesome6:

Loud chewing/chewing with mouth open
Don't cover their mouths/nose when coughing/sneezing
Hearing the noise from nail-biting
Walking slowly/stand in the middle of the sidewalk without moving
People who never shut up
Parents who let their little kids scream and yell and wail without doing anything
People that act /hurt/sad/etc to fetch attention

...I think that covers several. :awesome5:
Posted 7 years ago
Chat Cheating!!!
Posted 7 years ago
I seriously dont like people who do Double Chats,it makes me feel I m just another option for them... :panda5:
Posted 7 years ago
Loud Chewing
Posted 7 years ago
Nosy people that try to read your texts while standing near you. :awesome5:
Posted 7 years ago
i honestly cant stand someone that assumes things and automatically think theyre correct. like no can u confirm with everyone else before u think thats what it really is. It really bothers me and thats what leads to fights you know and i dont have time for that :kat_emoji1:
Posted 7 years ago
People that open your snaps and don't snap back :kat_emoji1:
Posted 7 years ago
Wannabe gangsters, hip hop/rap music, people who ignore me in my own rooms, but most of all?

Manipulators. People who try to manipulate me into doing what they want, including:

-Guilt tripping. I fucking hate this. Do not even try this with me, my own mother doesn't get away with it, you won't either.

-Playing victim. Bitch, please. I've been 'the bad guy' for a long time and not cared yet, you won't be any different either.

-Blame shifting. Don't make me out to be some monster just because I called you out on your shit as politely as I could manage. Either accept that I ain't having it, or block and move on to another victim.

There's other tactics these people use, but those are three that were used recently on me-- all by the same person. And when I wouldn't give in to their bullshit, they got more and more frustrated, and finally gave up and unfriended me.
Posted 7 years ago
I guess I will start off with a popular one, it being loud chewing. It would be understandable if it was something tough to eat, like a nice rare steak, or something of the sort, but most people with a chewing problem are loud no matter what food they are eating.

Another big one is people who are obnoxious. Granted, I can be loud and annoying if I'm out drinking and having a good time with friends, but some people can be rude and not take into consideration the fact that there are many other people around them.

People who talk down on other people due to something beyond that person's control, for example things like height, race, or appearance. These are things people are born with, not choices they make, so why should they be shamed for them?

Parents who don't take responsibility for their kids. If you don't take the time to raise them properly, they are going to grow up to be little shits.

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